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Trump Guilty of Civil Fraud in New York

Trump must pay over $350 million. Use code LEGALEAGLE50 to get 50% OFF at Factor …


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6 months ago

What about property taxes? If he was stating the his property was worth 100 million for a loan and then stated that the same property was only worth 40 million for tax purposes (For example, I am not exact on the number) , shouldn't there be tax fraud in there somewhere? Shouldn't he own taxes on the 60 million difference if he says he building are worth more?

6 months ago

I'm rather curious if other billionaire property developers engage in similar practices, but manage to get away with it because they don't seek the same kind of publicity that being a reality-TV-star-turned-president brings. I'm also surprised that the banks apparently were satisfied with unaudited financial statements. A street level business that rents property from one of these developers would almost certainly need audited statements to get a loan.

6 months ago

Why is there so little covered on the defense side in this video? The fraud happened because the banks didn't do their own assessments of the assets before approving the loans given at the rates they were given, therefore they didn't collect as munch interest, just like if I sold an apple to my friend for less then I sold to a stranger I lost some of the profit on that apple.

6 months ago

So nice to know that the judge actually listened to Trump and did his due diligence. If you listen to the guy for even a moment you realize his "business sense" is just the people below him and his ability to get loans or throw his money around.

6 months ago

Grant Cardone vehemently disagreed with the verdict, perhaps he recognizes similar ploys.

6 months ago

This video is a dishonest view by a Trump hater.

The defense: The real estate values were a valid representation of the property. According real estate experts, there were. The banks do their own appraisals.
If the real estate values overinflated and the court findings were valid, the penalty was excessive and outside the law.
Trump is treated differently than others similarly situated.

If you don't like Trump, then don't vote for him. However, malicious prosecutions is dividing this country.

6 months ago

If you have to keep saying "(insert "expert" here) said that my (literally anything Trump can cook up) is the greatest (whatever it is) they'd ever seen", it probably isn't that great.

6 months ago

Heads up, trumpies. Please save the “he was guilty w no trial!” crap. This is the PENALTY PHASE. And it’s not going to jive w what you saw on Newsmax. Trump is being held responsible for crimes…. BECAUSE he committed crimes. The end.


Oh boy I’m giggling like a loon at the 2500 private homes in abburrr🥶dean Was he planning on putting up skyscrapers because where his course is a tiny costal village it isn’t big enough for a supermarket. Some of the valuation may have come from trying to run his neighbours away and they weren’t going but adding there land would maybe give you 4 houses maybe 5. The man is a lunatic but that number I think will make people living here a good laugh.

6 months ago

If 200 million is an insignifcant amount, then why is Trump so worked up over 350 mil?

6 months ago

And they say Biden is corrupt and forgetful. Give me a break.

6 months ago

THIS WILL CAUSE NY as LOT more than DJT. No business man in his right mind would remain in NY.

6 months ago

Seems like legitimate thoughtful justice. Hardly a witchhunt. One wonders what the overvaluation on one hand and undervaluation on the other means to personal and property taxes. I wonder if NYC will end up collecting more or back taxes due to the transparency seen here.

6 months ago

8:02 Holy shit, that is a roast if I've ever seen one.

6 months ago

Amazing Legal Summary ! Congrats Legal Eagle !!!

6 months ago

Most people round up the value of their property. They don't exaggerate it by 2,000% (Mar-a-Lago, 27 mi vs. 612 mi). This is how Trump became such an obvious liar. He thought he could do anything when they didn't catch him for this.

6 months ago

I have defrauded the state of New York for millions of dollars over the course of several hundred decades.

Will you represent me in court?


6 months ago

If live a fancy life style on credit you obtained by fraud, be careful corrupt courts are coming for you.

6 months ago

If you want to die laughing from all this, watch Tim Heidecker's fake murder trial. He does a character that's a mix of Trump and streamer shows that's hilariously accurate to the things trumps actually did and said down to the mannerisms.

6 months ago

The next question is whether the valuations affected his tax liability

6 months ago

Lock Him Up. He will make maximum security great again

6 months ago

excuse me please..what are 'airballs'? also, i need Eagle Team to help me learn how to breathe through my ears, whilst talking non-stop at extraordinary pace. I bet mrs Devin is a very happy lady. Ear breathing is a fine and understated art that is supremely difficult to master.

6 months ago

I somehow think this will backfire. If Trump gets reelected, he's going to allow every lobbyist and their mother into the White House to strike deals with him.

6 months ago

wheres a good explanation of why he gave up the rights to develop mar a lago? any good suggestions b4 i go on a hunt?

6 months ago

Finally some justice – even though i know theres gonna be a billion appeals i hope that we can see trymp lose quite a bit of money

6 months ago

The real question is, are they going to go after all the other New York billionaires that do the same thing? Doubtful, if you don't think this was politically based you're just as ignorant as the Trump fanatics.

6 months ago

His absurd argument that nobody lost money is just more BS as usual!

His creditors would have loaned to him at an higher interest rate if he wasn't lying on his financial statements… so the banks that gave him loan DID lose money due to Trump's decades-long fraud and conspiracy to comitt such, and Trump DID make/save money through his fraud.

This ought to be obvious. I don't know why it isn't to many people .

6 months ago

Ur opinion of fanny mae? Legality?

6 months ago


6 months ago

In all fairness, what warm-blooded male hasn't lied about the size of his tower at some point.

6 months ago

"My valuation is actually higher than I reported"… So… you're admitting to tax fraud?

6 months ago

Best break down ever.

6 months ago

Other rich criminals are already threatening take business elsewhere. This is why you can't hold them accountable. They will retaliate.

6 months ago

Academia really needs to crack down on lying expert witnesses

6 months ago

Fake it 'til you make it. Then give it back when the law catches you faking it all along.

6 months ago

Great cash?

6 months ago

Ghost towns are always intriguing

6 months ago

Excellent. Now this grifter needs to go to jail.

6 months ago

Is this the end of the Trump empire? 🥗Use code LEGALEAGLE50 to get 50% OFF and Wellness Shots for Life at Factor ⚖⚖⚖ Get a great lawyer, fast!

6 months ago

I was wondering, do people get these data breach letters so often, that is makes sense to mention them so much? And how do you need a lawyer when you do? I'm not really complaining, just wondering, we don't have that in Germany

6 months ago

People never mention the guy Trump bribed to do fake appraisals already pled out.

6 months ago

Anybody that actually thinks Trump will actually pay this verdict himself just isn't paying attention. Whether it's Putin or Elon Musk, he'll get somebody to foot the bill for him

6 months ago

Now that’s a tasty transition

6 months ago

"But he is making his payments". Trump has been repeatedly sued for not paying contractors. To pay the loans he lied to get he doesn't pay others. Just because the bank gets theirs doesn't make it ok.

6 months ago

I can't wait for the state to receive hundreds of billions of dollars when it does this same analysis on every other developer. Unless, that is, this case was 100% about politics…

6 months ago

Why not add contempt charges to the list and lock the begger up until he appropriately apologizes to the judge? He'd likely end up serving a very long sentence for that one.

6 months ago

Forgive this, but thinking financial fraud is a victimless crime is such a Boomer thing in that in simple minds "crime" = "scary dark man in dark alley and physical violence", because they are children whose minds are mired in TV and movies and have not taken in any new reality in decades. That they actually try to argue this in court is….well, as unsurprising as it is appalling.

6 months ago

Earliest signs of onset dementia is when you're being deposed.

6 months ago

Great to hear people getting caugh for fraud, and according penalized.

6 months ago

This is why I am glad we use IFRS instead of US GAAP.

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