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Time To Dump The Relics Of Colonialism – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

Since her attainment of inde­pendence in 1960, some sixty four ago, Nigeria regrettably has continued to retain the vestiges of colonialism and imperi­alism virtually in all spheres of her national life. Colonial mentality or hangover could clearly be ob­served in many areas such as the colonial name – “Nigeria” which was given to the country by the erstwhile British colonial masters or overlords. It was the then British Colonial Governor Lord Lugard’s mistress Flora Shaw that gave the country the name “Nigeria” which was coined from the famous River Niger or “Niger Area”. Our official language or lingua franca English, has remained the nation’s official language for conducting govern­ment businesses and spoken wide­ly by the generality of the Nigerian people. Nigeria should therefore look inwards and adopt a common language as her lingua franca to suit her peculiar environment. The concept of “WAZOBIA” was to promote and enhance nation­al unity and brotherhood among the major ethnic nationalities of Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo hence the coinage of the word “WAZOBIA” which could also be adopted as our indigenous name in place of the present colonial name “Nigeria”. In the same vein, the three major languages of Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo otherwise known as “Wazo­bia” could equally be adopted as our official language or lingua franca to replace the colonial English language. The three lan­guages of Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo could be taught simultaneously in our Public schools. Nigeria should therefore borrow a leaf from the East African nations of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda that had long adopted “Swahili” language as their lingua franca for conduct­ing government businesses as well as the official language in their re­spective Parliaments.

Furthermore, our mode of dress in public functions which is the colonial English suits usu­ally worn in tropical weather under the scorching sun should be immediately jettisoned. Again our Hon. Justices and Lawyers in our courts have been enslaved by the mode of colonial dress of wig and gown which were worn by the English lawyers as a mourning dress to honour the demise of an English King in the 16th century, and by retaining of this colonial relic of the wig and gown, Nigerian judges and lawyers inadvertently or unconsciously are still mourn­ing the death of the English King which occurred over five hundred years ago. One could go on and on to illustrate the continuous mental enslavement of the Nigerian peo­ple which is a constant reminder of our sordid colonial past. Again, our present laws were borrowed from the British colonial model and we seem to be comfortable and proud in retaining the archaic, and obso­lete British colonial legal system in the country.

It is high time therefore, that the nation should break perma­nently with our colonial past and shake off the yoke or shackles of colonialism and imperialism that had held the nation down for too long. The nation should immedi­ately begin to adopt our own in­digenous and authentic names, culture and practices in our na­tional life. First of all, Nigeria should immediately change her colonial name “Niger area” and adopt a truly indigenous name such as: The Republic of “Song­hai” or “Wazobia” Republic or indeed any other suitable name that will reflect our hard earned independence and sovereignty.

It is pertinent to mention howev­er that many countries with colo­nial history like Nigeria had long changed or jettisoned their colonial names and since adopted their own indigenous names soon after their independence. Examples abound of these nations that had broken the shackles of colonialism and im­perialism and adopted indigenous names for their countries. In Afri­ca, for example, countries that were under the colonial rule for centu­ries changed their names: North­ern Rhodesia changed her colonial name to Zambia soon after her independence in 1964. Nyasaland changed her name to Malawi after her independence in 1964. South­ern Rhodesia changed her name to Zimbabwe after her independence in 1980 as well as her capital from Salsbury to Harare. South West Africa, formerly under the rule of South Africa white minority apart­heid regime, changed her name to Namibia after her independence in 1990. And coming back home in West Africa, Upper Volta, former­ly under the French colonial rule, changed her colonial name to the indigenous name of Burkina Faso. In Asia former Burma under the British colonial rule changed her name to Myammar after gaining her independence from Britain in 1948, Ceylon equally changed her colonial name to SriLanka after her independence from Britain in 1948, etc. The colonial name “Nige­ria”, therefore seem to be a curse rather than a blessing to the peo­ple even after sixty four years of independence, she has remained a toddler with stunted growth.

It is no gainsaying the fact that the country had merely recorded minimal achievements in only a few areas since her independence in 1960 such as: our national cur­rency which was changed from the British Pound Sterling to our pres­ent “Naira”. Nigeria had equally abrogated the colonial title of “Queens Counsel” (QC) to the more prestigious and nationalistic title of “Senior Advocate of Nigeria” (SAN). However, Nigeria should embrace more nationalistic chang­es to reflect her independence and sovereignty.

It is instructive to observe also that the first indigenous Governor of the defunct Eastern Region, the late Dr. Akanu Ibiam, at the begin­ning of the Nigerian political crisis in 1966, changed his foreign name “Sir Francis Ibiam” to Dr. Aka­nu Ibiam and equally renounced his colonial Knighthood title of “MBE” in protest against the Brit­ish unwarranted involvement and partisanship during the unfortu­nate crisis in the country. It was then fashionable for many Nigeri­ans to proudly parade themselves as “Knights” of the erstwhile Brit­ish colonial Empire with titles of “OBE” or “MBE”, etc and our le­gal luminaries were proud to be addressed as “Queen’s Counsel” (Q.C). Now our lawyers are proud to be bestowed with our indigenous and prestigious title of “Senior Ad­vocate of Nigeria” (SAN).

It is heartwarming therefore that Nigeria after her indepen­dence adopted indigenous titles such as CON, OFR, CFR, GCON, GCFR, etc to honour her deserv­ing citizens. The nation should proceed further to consolidate her independence and sovereignty by changing her colonial mentality. In that regard therefore, important national monuments and public places currently bearing colonial names which are sad reminders of our colonial past should immedi­ately be changed to our indigenous names such as “King George VI Stadium”, “Queen’s Drive Ikoyi”, etc in the nation’s former capital Lagos, “Lugard Hall” in Kaduna, among others. In the same vein, our Hon. Justices and lawyers should immediately redesign a new mode of dress to replace the colonial and outdated wig and gown presently in use to reflect our independence and national pride. Prominent designers could come up with a beautiful indigenous outfit for our Hon. Justices and Lawyers for them to jettison their present wig and gown, which has remained a symbol of colonialism and imperialism.

Many advanced nations of the world today are proud of their na­tional identity, cultural heritage and civilization and therefore Ni­geria should not be an exception. The great powers of the world such as the People’s Republic of China achieved her present Super Power Status in virtually all sectors of human development through her historic cultural revolution spear­headed and propelled by the leg­endary sage late Chairman Mao in 1949. China’s astronomical growth and advancement particularly in the production of modern arma­ments as a nuclear super power, as well as in technology had taken the whole world by storm even as the over one billion Chinese people are today busy exporting their modern technology to the global markets in­cluding the United States of Amer­ica, European Union and the Afri­can continent. China’s “miracle” could be attributed to her cultural revolution which had enthroned the spirit of nationalism, disci­pline, hard work and national pride among the Chinese population. The Chinese also abhor corruption in all its ramifications hence any corrupt practices in China attract the mandatory death penalty. This rather stringent or draconian law has made the Chinese people the most law abiding and disciplined society in the world.

Nigeria has the potential for greatness with the abundant hu­man and natural resources Al­mighty God endowed her with if only she would start looking in­wards and shun negative tenden­cies of endemic corruption, law­lessness, gross indiscipline, greed and avarice, ethnic and religious bigotry, nepotism, etc and embrace the virtue of unity, hard work, love and brotherhood and the sky would certainly be her limit. Nigeria should immediately embark on her cultural revolution to enable her to re-discover or reinvent her nation­al identity and pride to achieve her greatness as a major player among the comity of advanced nations of the world.

*Umeji-Akabogu (JP), a public affairs analyst, writes from Enugwu-Ukwu, Anambra State via nzenwabuezeak­ (08074942671)

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