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The Coronas take a quick Cork quiz — and talk life on the road in 2024

The Coronas are in town, promoting their upcoming Live at the Marquee gig, and we get an invite to chat to them.

I’m the last interview slot on a long day for frontman Danny O’Reilly, bass player Graham Knox, and drummer Conor Egan, probably answering the same kind of questions in the gorgeous Glasshouse in the Montenotte Hotel.

The photographer, Chani Anderson and I rock up and we decide to get the photos done first.

The boyos pout and pose like the professionals they are, and then Chani tells me to jump in for a snap with the band.

We organise ourselves awkwardly around the table. “Do the chicken noise, Esther!” Chani says.

“What’s that, now?” I ask.

“It’s just a way of getting everyone to laugh for the snap, do a funny noise,” she encourages.

“Well, I have been holding in a fart for the last five minutes, I could get a good parp out of that,” says my mouth, as my brain and my intestinal tract wince.

The boys laugh obligingly. They are not to know it is not in jest.

Anyway, we’re off to a good start. So I spring a little surprise on them, non-flatulence related.

With Chani switched to video mode, I ask Danny, Graham, and Conor if they wouldn’t mind taking part in a little multiple-choice exam.

They’re game, so we kick off the inaugural Quick Cork Coronas Quiz! (Trademark pending).

You receive an invite to lock lips with an old Cork relic that many have kissed before. You are:

  • A) …about to enjoy a visit to local beauty spot Blarney Castle to kiss the legendary stone,
  • B) …being mildly harassed by a local journalist who should remember she’s happily married,
  • C) …all of the above.

Danny laughs nervously, throws a look at the other two before going for A.

Question 2. Musicians love playing Live At The Marquee because:

  • A) …it’s the second most fun thing you can do in a tent with a crowd,
  • B) …Cork audiences know who to have a good time,
  • C) …if it’s good enough for Dolly Parton, it’s good enough for anyone,
  • D) …all of the above.

They all go for B, the licks.

Question 3. You’re offered a drink that’s NOT Murphy’s, Tanora, or Barry’s tea. The correct response is:

  • A) …I will, ya, girl (I attempt to deliver this with the appropriate level of sarcasm).
  • B) …What class of a langer of you, la?
  • C) …Gwan so, and a slice of Donkey’s Gudge while you’re at it.
  • D) …All of the above.

They go for the Donkey’s Gudge even though they’ve never heard of it, and I have to admire them for their spirit of adventure.

“I suppose you’re Lyons Tea fellahs,” says I, with an eye roll.

“NO, Barry’s all the way, we LOVE Barry’s,” they say in unison, so much so, I shoot a suspicious look at the PR who’s set up the interviews. Is there beverage preference coaching afoot? There’s nothing that will alienate a Cork audience more than a dirty tea traitor.

“We drove by the factory earlier on and we had a little moment — we were like, look! It’s where they make Barry’s, it’s where dreams are made!”

Ok, their story checks out. On to why we’re here.

The Coronas: Graham Knox, Danny O'Reilly and Conor Egan pictured in the Montenotte Hotel, Cork. Picture Chani Anderson

The Coronas: Graham Knox, Danny O’Reilly and Conor Egan pictured in the Montenotte Hotel, Cork. Picture Chani Anderson 


The chart-topping, award-winning band, who have moved more than 150,000 albums, have just released a new song, ‘Speak Up’. What’s it about?

“It’s our first release in a couple of years, we’re excited about getting it out there.

The show in the Marquee is our first gig of the summer, we have a really busy summer ahead.

We’re heading to do two tours in America, lots of gigs over the summer, King John’s Castle, Dublin, Galway, Wexford, a couple of festivals here and there, we’re releasing the album in September and then touring all the way to Christmas,” explains Danny.

“Speak Up is the first taster of what’s to come from the album and we’re really happy with it. It’s sort of asking someone who you trust for a bit of advice and saying I can take it, give it to me straight, like, don’t ‘plámás’ me here, what do you really think of my lightning bolt earrings!” (Danny had complimented me on my earrings earlier, between that and the Barry’s this is clearly a band with impeccable taste).

“We’re really proud of this song,” the lead singer continues, “we got to play it live a bit, to road test it, and it went really well. Hopefully, the Marquee audience will like it too.”

So is there someone you trust to tell you the truth, were you thinking of anyone in particular when you were writing the lyrics?

Danny has a little think.

“Oftentimes when I’m writing lyrics, it’ll be about relationships, but it can be about asking myself, asking the band, songs about us trying to find our way as songwriters,” Conor and Graham nod in agreement.

“Where’s our part of it, where do we sit in the whole thing? I think the lyrics are a bit about that. It’s about asking people you trust. I supposed my family would be the first people I’d go to but also the lads, what do you think about this song — I can take it on the chin — that’s actually one of the lyrics.

“Sometimes, when you’re so close to it, it’s hard to know how people are going to react to it, so it’s good to be able to ask people you know will be straight with you.”

When your mum is folk legend Mary Black, your dad Joe O’Reilly owns a record label and your sister is songstress Róisín O, that check-in with the family is a fair call for Danny, I reckon.

I look at the other two on either side of Danny. They’ve talked about what great mates they are.

Conor Egan and Danny O'Reilly from the Coronas pictured with Examiner Journalist Esther McCarthy in the Glassroom of The Montenotte Hotel, Cork. Picture Chani Anderson

Conor Egan and Danny O’Reilly from the Coronas pictured with Examiner Journalist Esther McCarthy in the Glassroom of The Montenotte Hotel, Cork. Picture Chani Anderson 

They tell me they’ve known each other forever — literally in the case of Danny and Knoxxy (I’m allowed call him that now, we’ve bonded, they’ll probably be ringing me for advice on the next album, to be honest) who first made each other’s acquaintance when they were day-old babies. They even had a joint surprise 21st, organised by their manager at the time.

“Even though Danny just presumed it was all for him,” says Conor shoving the behatted Danny.

“He’s such a diva!” the other two mock, as he laughs. “Yeah, I was wondering why your auntie was at my 21st alright!”

So lads, do you actually tell him what you think?

“Oh we’re brutally honest,” says Knoxxy. “Too fecking honest!” interjects Danny and they all have a good laugh.

They obviously share an unfeigned friendship and they all agree they couldn’t be still doing this music lark for a living if they didn’t genuinely love and trust each other.

“We were friends first, before we started picking up instruments in school and playing — very badly — and that’s what makes this still worth doing. We’re always evolving, and we’re doing it together,” says Danny.

“We’re still finding our way in this ever-changing crazy industry that is the music business now.”

With the fourth member of The Coronas, guitarist Dave McPhillips calling it a day after 12 years together back in 2019, the lads say they respected his decision and it was the right thing to do for him.

Dave shared the news on social media at the time, that the band’s Long Way Home tour will be his last. How are they managing without him?

“Dave came to us and said it just wasn’t working for him anymore. There can be a lot of pressures with touring and he knew it was time for a change, we’re glad he did the right thing for him, we’re still the best of friends.”

The Coronas: Conor Egan, Graham Knox and Danny O'Reilly pictured in the Glassroom of The Montenotte hotel Cork. Picture Chani Anderson

The Coronas: Conor Egan, Graham Knox and Danny O’Reilly pictured in the Glassroom of The Montenotte hotel Cork. Picture Chani Anderson 


And is the touring life taking its toll on anyone else, I ask, especially if, like Conor and Knoxxy, they’re leaving small kids at home?

“We’re not gone for that long — like we’re going to be doing a few shows in Australia but we’ll actually be away from home for less than a week,” says Conor. “And when we’re home, we’re all hands on deck, full-time parents,” adds Knoxxy.

“I’m thinking of getting a dog,” pipes up Danny.

“IT’S NOT THE SAME THING,” the other two put him back in his box and they all laugh again.

“I did get a phone call from the teacher recently, when I was away,” says Graham, “That was tough, having to say I wasn’t around. But by and large, the kids are grand. It’s never too long and we get home after gigs whenever we can.

“We were just in America, touring the east coast — Boston, New York, Chicago, but I was able to Facetime and see the kids every day. Technology does make it a bit easier,” he says.

“It never did me any harm, I suppose, when my mum used be away touring,” muses Danny. “I remember when I was a bit older alright though, being a bit like distant to her for a while when she’d come back from a tour, like punishing her a bit for being away and then it would be grand again.”

The dog will do that to you, too, I warn.

Do Conor and Graham think it’s easier for them to be away because they are the dads? “It probably is, yeah,” all the guys agree, “but it shouldn’t be!”

Right answer again Coronas. Fair play.

So the album was written in Dingle, what’s the attraction there?

“I love Dingle,” says Danny. “I just drove from there today. We have a massive connection there, it’s a beautiful part of the world. It’s my go-to place for working these days, it’s very peaceful. I turn the phone off, no distractions, it’s great to just go off grid a bit.”

So does he have any theories on what happened to Fungi — and an alibi, I ask.

“I think it was just old age, honestly. It had nothing to do with us!”

Danny says, “I felt very lucky I got to see him about two months before he went missing — or should I say he passed away?

“It’s funny, the locals get very touchy if you try to suggest that the dolphin has been replaced a few times! They’re like, ‘NO! Doesn’t he have the same scar on his face?’”

Let’s just be thankful Danny’s singing is better than his Kerry accent. Enough about Kerry away. Tell us about how great Cork is, says I.


“We were just talking about playing in America and how different every state can be, and it’s the same here. The vibe in Cork is totally unique. We were told recently that per capita we sell more tickets in Cork than we do in Dublin, and we sell more albums in Cork than we do in Dublin.”

Danny continues, “We’ve always been really welcomed here. It’s the crowds – they really get involved in the gigs and they sing back with us.

“I think they sense that the music comes from an honest place, that’s what we’ve always prided ourselves on, whether it’s college songs about drinking all night or singing about break ups, or growing older or trying to be the best band we can be, or the best brother/people/friend we can be.

“All of our songs about self-growth — people have always reacted to the honesty of that.

“And people of Cork — oh man, if you were fake, I think they would spot it a mile away,” says Danny, as I nod vigorously.

“We do have good bullshit meters,” I agree.

“100%,” says Danny, “I made a mistake one time at a gig. I think I was like, ‘Oh it’s great to be playing the real capital of Ireland’ or something like that, and the audience were just like, ‘Yeah, what about it?’ like Cork people don’t want to be pandered to.”

Perhaps not, but we love being entertained so lads, ye are most welcome anytime.

  • The Coronas play Live at the Marquee in Cork on May 24. ‘Speak Up’ is out now with a new album to follow in September 2024. See

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