Did you know that nearly 30 million men in the United States suffer from erectile dysfunction? According to the John Hopkins Bloom berg school of public health, 18% of the total male population in the United States experience erectile-related problems. Erectile dysfunction is more common among older males ranging from ages 70 and above. A section of the younger male in their 20s to 40s may also suffer from dysfunction because of heredity or some underlying health condition.
Under certain conditions, curing erectile dysfunction in patients may require advanced medical procedures. But medical experts have shown that basic lifestyle adjustments such as healthy feeding and exercise can dramatically improve libido in men and cure erectile dysfunction.
If food can remedy it, then, what is the best food for erectile dysfunction? Below is a list of 8 recommended foods that help combat erectile dysfunction in males and improve sexual health.
Magnesium is one of the chemical components in food that helps produce testosterone hormone in the body. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for muscle development and activities. When the penile muscle secrets enough testosterone, the muscles perform better. Consuming beans helps you increase your magnesium intake. In addition, beans also consume fat in the body. Fat is known to convert testosterone hormone to estrogen. This process reduces the testosterone in your body, leading to the dysfunction of several body tissues. By reducing the fat content in the body, beans promote the secretion of testosterone.
If you are an avid coffee drinker, you are already passively working towards your sexual health improvement. Research confirms that Coffee contains an organic compound called caffeine. It is the component of the drink that’s responsible for the feeling of alertness. The effect of caffeine on erection is made possible by its ability to act as a dilator and improve blood flow in the penile tissue. However, it is advised that patients consume not more than 3 cups per day to prevent excessive caffeine intake.
Spinach And Other Leafy Greens
Like beans, Spinach and Leafy Greens are very rich in magnesium. Consuming meals are rich in this category of food supplies a large amount of magnesium to the body. Apart from magnesium, nitrate is also present in most leafy greens. Nitric oxide has been found to promote dilation of arteries. When Nitric Oxide is sufficiently present in the body, there is an easy supply of blood to the penis, making it stay erect for a longer period.
Precisely fatty fish. One of the most common chemical compounds found in fish is the Omega-3 fatty acids. The major function of this compound is to promote the conversion of nitrate into Nitric Oxide in the body. Therefore, consuming fatty fish does not only supply protein in large quantities, it also helps supply the compound needed for the dilation of the arteries for easy blood flow. Plus, Fatty fish are also rich in Magnesium: another nutrient that improves sexual health in men. Some fatty fish include. Wild Salmon, Sardines, farmed Salmon, Mackerel, Swordfish, Albacore tuna, etc. However, it is vital to discuss with your doctor to decide the quantity that’s ideal for you, especially if you are managing other health conditions.
This is one of the most popular foods recommended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Watermelon contains a high amino acid content called citrulline. The compound behaves more like Viagra, which dilates blood vessels and allows the free flow of blood to the penis. However, there is a need to constantly consume Watermelon to see visible effects. It is believed that three glasses of watermelon juice a day would result in significant improvement in sexual health after three weeks. There is proof that demonstrates the possibility of up to an 11% increase in arginine levels. Arginine is responsible for the creation of nitric oxide in the body. And Nitric oxide is directly responsible for moderating the flow of blood to the penis.
Generally, nuts are found to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These properties help manage the cholesterol in the human body, which improves the blood flow to all parts of the body. Plus, some nuts are rich in arginine, used in the production of Nitric Oxide in the body. Some nuts that are found to have high arginine content include Peanuts, walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts, etc.
Even though there is no established scientific proof of the potency of flavonoids against erectile dysfunction, some men have recorded significant improvement in their sexual health by consuming food that is rich in Flavonoids. Bananas have been found to contain high potassium and flavonoids content. Having a regular serving of bananas can improve your erection by up to 10%.
pepper does not only spice foods, it can also help improve sexual health. Some species of pepper such as black pepper, alligator pepper, habaneros, etc have been found to contain active compounds that improve blood flow in the body. Ethanolic extract from black pepper for example has been shown to improve testosterone secretion in mammals. The presence of testosterone in the body helps with erection in men. Besides, it also helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood vessels.
Final Words
Eating one of the recommended foods would really go a long way towards helping you combat erectile dysfunction. However, it is best to focus on variety. A slight combination of the food would generate more results than consuming each one in isolation. Another point to keep in mind is the fact that there is nothing like an immediate solution to any disease. You may notice slight improvement immediately but there is a need to stay consistent over time to derive significant results. There are other foods out there that would help with erectile health. But it is always good to find out if the food is rich in arginine, nitrate, magnesium or amino acids. Before taking any food for your erectile dysfunction, it is best to speak with your doctor because some food may conflict with the medication you are taking. In addition to that, foods that are high in fat content should be taken in moderation because fat would work against the result you want.
About the writer:
Taiwo Olubunmi has a background in applied science from the Federal University of Akure. He is a content expert who has contributed extensively to thoughts shared across various blogs in the areas of health, business, and finance. He is currently undergoing advanced content marketing training with HubSpot Academy.