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Do you look at mouths or eyes when people talk to you?
Open9837c45dec25ba970683ad1d9e3ca5db?s=48&r=gProfT asked 9 months ago • 
236 views0 answers0 votes
When someone close to you asks to borrow money, how do you say no?
Open9837c45dec25ba970683ad1d9e3ca5db?s=48&r=gProfT asked 9 months ago • 
1583 views0 answers2 votes
Who are the Nephilim, and where did they live?
Open9837c45dec25ba970683ad1d9e3ca5db?s=48&r=gProfT asked 9 months ago • 
212 views0 answers0 votes
What are some of the best habits to learn?
Open9837c45dec25ba970683ad1d9e3ca5db?s=48&r=gProfT asked 9 months ago • 
248 views0 answers1 votes
Does factory reset clear virus from phones?
Open9837c45dec25ba970683ad1d9e3ca5db?s=48&r=gProfT asked 9 months ago • 
790 views0 answers0 votes
Is too much fruit sugar bad for you?
Open9837c45dec25ba970683ad1d9e3ca5db?s=48&r=gProfT asked 10 months ago • 
234 views0 answers0 votes
Which of these Nollywood Actors will you consider as the best?
Open9837c45dec25ba970683ad1d9e3ca5db?s=48&r=gProfT asked 10 months ago • 
251 views0 answers1 votes
What was very useful when it first came out but is useless today
Open9837c45dec25ba970683ad1d9e3ca5db?s=48&r=gProfT asked 10 months ago • 
230 views0 answers0 votes
Why are people supporting LGBTQ even though it is against human nature?
Open9837c45dec25ba970683ad1d9e3ca5db?s=48&r=gProfT asked 10 months ago • 
161 views0 answers0 votes
Between salt and Maggi, which one is more dangerous to your health?
Open9837c45dec25ba970683ad1d9e3ca5db?s=48&r=gProfT asked 10 months ago • 
335 views0 answers0 votes
Which of these fields of study is more useful to human existence?
Open9837c45dec25ba970683ad1d9e3ca5db?s=48&r=gProfT asked 10 months ago • 
280 views0 answers-1 votes
What is the most recent thing that scientists have discovered?
Open9837c45dec25ba970683ad1d9e3ca5db?s=48&r=gProfT asked 11 months ago • 
447 views0 answers0 votes
Mbappe or Haaland, who is the better striker?
Answered34ea98e1a44f5c41a7175ba3a8e51078?s=48&r=gtechguru answered 11 months ago • 
149 views1 answers0 votes
Is beta e-shopping a reliable online site for shopping?
Answerede277ace4e2b318b3a97f624aa07590ae?s=48&r=gade5crowns answered 11 months ago • 
167 views1 answers0 votes
Who is the best goalkeeper from Africa presently?
Answerede277ace4e2b318b3a97f624aa07590ae?s=48&r=gade5crowns answered 11 months ago • 
255 views1 answers0 votes
Which of these tooth paste works best for bacterial and plague removal? 
Answerede277ace4e2b318b3a97f624aa07590ae?s=48&r=gade5crowns answered 11 months ago • 
272 views1 answers0 votes
Can frozen chicken go bad?
Answered34ea98e1a44f5c41a7175ba3a8e51078?s=48&r=gtechguru answered 11 months ago • 
193 views1 answers0 votes
What are some brutal truths about life that every single person needs to hear?
Answered34ea98e1a44f5c41a7175ba3a8e51078?s=48&r=gtechguru answered 11 months ago • 
115 views1 answers0 votes
Why do husbands lose interest from wives after marriage?
Answered34ea98e1a44f5c41a7175ba3a8e51078?s=48&r=gtechguru answered 11 months ago • 
191 views1 answers0 votes
How do you identify a smart person in 3 minutes?
Answered34ea98e1a44f5c41a7175ba3a8e51078?s=48&r=gtechguru answered 11 months ago • 
201 views1 answers0 votes
Which branch of engineering is the toughest?
Answered34ea98e1a44f5c41a7175ba3a8e51078?s=48&r=gtechguru answered 11 months ago • 
245 views1 answers0 votes
Does 4G/3G Internet speed slow down as your phone gets older?
Answered34ea98e1a44f5c41a7175ba3a8e51078?s=48&r=gtechguru answered 11 months ago • 
222 views1 answers0 votes
Why are Christians not into Fuji music?
Answered34ea98e1a44f5c41a7175ba3a8e51078?s=48&r=gtechguru answered 11 months ago • 
173 views1 answers0 votes
Between Arsenal and Man United, who has had a better season?
Answerede277ace4e2b318b3a97f624aa07590ae?s=48&r=gade5crowns answered 11 months ago • 
118 views1 answers0 votes
How long can replacement batteries last?
Answeredbdb203e7c43762e109c8ed39dbf1d406?s=48&r=gnewman answered 11 months ago • 
219 views1 answers0 votes
Does ones name affect his or her personality?
Answered9837c45dec25ba970683ad1d9e3ca5db?s=48&r=gProfT answered 11 months ago • 
151 views1 answers0 votes
What’s a sign of extremely high intelligence?
Answeredf37d50e7d83e845e26f3758ee12939d4?s=48&r=gmuyiquejobs answered 11 months ago • 
120 views1 answers0 votes
Do genius genes come from the mother or father?
Answeredf8b7ab1ccdf26cfc0b8313c4a1b81adc?s=48&r=gmuyique answered 11 months ago • 
232 views1 answers0 votes
What can high IQ people do that average IQ people can’t?
Answered4c070c0d43751b83d1db7dbc01b7d655?s=48&r=glofatech answered 11 months ago • 
106 views1 answers0 votes
Are the Ethiopians of the Bible, the African Moors?
Answeredc4dceea3510cf35d19a6ec1e8eb64976?s=48&r=gKingdomofGod answered 11 months ago • 
188 views1 answers0 votes
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