He added, “President Buhari assumed office at a very difficult period of our national life when the economy was spiraling into recession and Boko Haram had taken over swaths of our territory in North East.  At a point it appeared even Abuja, the seat of government would fall into the hands of Boko Haram with the bombing of the UN Building, Banex Plaza, Nyanya, and other locations within the Federal Capital Territory.

“We cannot easily forget how our armed forces battled the Boko Haram terrorists under the leadership of President Buhari to reclaim our territory and push them to the fringes of Lake Chad where they no longer pose an existential threat to our sovereignty.

“I must say the job of securing every inch of our country is yet to be finished. My government will stamp out the remaining vestiges of Boko Haram, Ansaru, banditry, and kidnapping gangs. We won’t rest until every agent of darkness is completely rooted out.”