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I composed a song during my prostate recovery journey —Ebenezer Obey

Music legend, Evangelist Ebenezer Obey-Fabiyi, is always a delight to many through his evergreen works and wise counsel. In this interview with SEYI SOKOYA, the music icon-turned-cleric speaks on his testimony over the success of a recent prostate enlargement surgery, how he planned to celebrate his 82nd birthday, and his take on how Nigeria can overcome its present challenges.

You have enjoyed an uncommon grace as a living legend. How do you feel clocking 82 in a few days?

Indeed, I have enjoyed a special grace and I am not taking this for granted as God has done it for me. Clocking 82 is an uncommon grace for me from my God the creator of the world because God has been so good to me in the last 82 years. I cannot tell it all. I cannot count all the good things the Lord has done for me. Precisely, it is an uncommon grace indeed.

God has been so kind and merciful to me tracing my life and music; I have said many times that I started music from the time my mother conceived me to when she took me to church. I was attracted to music through the choir from when I was crawling and that attraction established the beginning from becoming a member of the choir to becoming a member of the school band and later becoming the school band leader. And then to the Boys and Girls Youth Club in Idogo, Ogun State.

I had my professional band, Royal Mambo Orchestra in 1957 at the age of 15 with the like of Baba Abengo Mayana, Akinyomi Salvage, and Rolling Dollar. Through my journey to  DECCA West Africa Limited where I prophesied to myself as a future star, which became a reality. All those experiences till this moment God has spoken and has done it.

I have taken my music to various parts of the world through several tours including, Japan, the United Kingdom, America, Canada etc. I just don’t have any option but to continue to give Him thanks. To remain relevant till this age is a rare privilege, and I return all the glory to God.


Despite the challenges that come with fame you still stand strong even in your old age. It is no news that you have weathered so many storms coupled with the recent prostate enlargement surgery. How have you been able to survive all these?

I have had several surgeries, and I have gone through so many experiences in life. I have been through a lot, and I will say that God has always been on my side, even in times of trouble. The operation I had in London when I clocked 80 almost claimed my life. I was almost gone. I never knew I would clock 80, but God in His infinite mercy did the miracle. I also survived the ordeal of 1980.

Then the recent ordeal of prostate enlargement.  I wish to educate people that prostate enlargement is a disease that can happen to any man from age 40 and above. Many at times don’t survive it. In my case, I was taken to the theater two times after the experience of caring catheter for about two months. The experience was not comfortable, so I had to go for the surgery. The first surgery was successful, but there was a blood clot that blocked the urine passage, so I had to be taken to the theater the second time.

Truth be told, I never knew I would survive it. It was again a big miracle because the whole experience was unbearable. I got to know that many people interceded for me in prayers from all over. Too numerous to mention names. Some even came to visit me at the hospital. I believe in the power of prayers, and we thank God that He gave me victory.

You know I always travel overseas for the past operations I have had, but this time around, I must commend Dr Undie of Kelani Hospital, Victoria Island, Lagos. I have been to several health facilities even outside the country, but I never knew such a hospital was in Nigeria. It can be compared to any good health facility in the world. You know that King Charles recently passed through the same experience, but one thing with mine was that it was not cancerous. The first thing the doctor did was to congratulate me that my prostrate enlargement was not cancerous, and I thank God for that. The love people showed me was overwhelming, and I, indeed, appreciate them all. The gifts are too numerous too. I pray God will reward them. My children and members of my staff moved to the Federal Palace Hotel to be close to me. Some were sleeping in the hospital too. I have a big reason to thank God and appreciate Him for what He has done. There is someone whom I refer to as “the man whom God knows”. I cannot describe the love and care he has for me. He paid the entire bill for the surgery.

This is why I have decided to tilt to the mood of the nation to support people who are in need. I want to contribute my quota to support the masses through the distribution of palliatives and organise medical outreach, especially in Keesi, my father’s house in Abeokuta, Ogun State. My father’s compound in Keesi is formerly known as the Olorimole’s compound, but Christ has beamed light on the place as the Olorimole’s compound has been transformed into a prayer mountain.


Could you shed more light on how you intend to celebrate your 82nd birthday? 

As I said earlier, my major goal is to identify with the masses. Palliatives will be distributed to the underprivileged at about seven locations in Idogo, Abeokuta, and some areas in Lagos State. We have selected seven locations where the palliatives will be distributed and the medical outreach will be held at Keesi, Abeokuta, while there will be a thanksgiving service in celebration of my birthday on the same date, April 3rd at my church, Decross Gospel Mission, 13/15, Oyewole road, Mulero bus stop, Iyana Ipaja, Lagos.


What do you think has made you remain a living legend till now?

I know God has been so good to me. Anyone who passes through the kind of phases I had passed through in life; phases one, two, and three, and survived it will thank God. God has been with me in all situations and I have enjoyed an uncommon victory. There were times they declared me dead; they proclaimed my enemy dead more than four times, but what God wrote for me differs from the evil news. I have every reason to appreciate God. This is why I rely so much on God. I love God. I know He is my number one and I have a relationship with Him that he is my all in all and He has never forsaken me.


Do you still command the energy to compose songs in your old age unlike when you were a young star?

(Laughs) That is a gift that cannot be tampered with. That is my strength and a special gift God gave me that I cherish and enjoy. I will die quick if I don’t sing. If anyone wants to kill me let a padlock be put in my mouth!


But you won’t think of any composition of any song while you were in sick bed or the moment you were struggling for survival from the surgeries?

I could not compose any song while in sick bed. I was only praying to God because I was scared. I must confess, I was terrified, but when the miracle came and l survived the whole experience, I started singing and I told the doctor that I wanted to release a song to enlighten the world about prostate enlargement. I told him that hoped he wouldn’t mind that I would mention the name of the hospital and he gave me the go-ahead. I started composing the song right from the hospital before I was discharged. I sang for the doctor. My dear Seyi, please, don’t tempt me to sing the song here. I want people to watch out for it.


Music is a very powerful tool to change the narrative of any situation. With your wealth of experience as a music icon who had used your talent to influence the nation and proffer solutions to the challenges of the country over time, what is your advice to musicians to salvage the current state of the country?

I believe musicians have a role to play. When a nation is witnessing progress, we rejoice with the country; we sing, dance, and do a lot of things. But with the present state of what we are going through as a nation, our songs must be prayerful, preach peace, and endurance, because I believe Nigeria will get out of this.

But I want to emphasis that we must all go into agriculture, all Nigerians must go into agriculture. I have said many times, even in my songs that we need to grow what we eat. If we don’t grow the food we eat we will depend on what other countries are growing. We must know that the earlier we start growing our food the better. I am confident that Nigeria will be good again, but we should not just continue to be saying it by mouth without action. Let everyone go into agriculture. We also need to pray for the leaders.


What is your take on the efforts the present government is putting in place to restore the nation from the current hardship?

They are trying their best. I want to advise all Nigerians to continue to pray for the present government that God will help them overcome insecurity and other various challenges affecting the growth of the nation. We should know that they are trying all ways to solve the problems, and with our prayers and cooperation, God will help them to overcome the challenges. But we must grow what we eat. We cannot continue to depend on foods from foreign lands. We must all revive agriculture on a large scale. All Christians and Muslims, hands must be on deck to start now. I pray that God will see us through and take us out of what we are going through at the moment.

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