It’s bothersome and can be depressing if you have to all-time keep up with the shame of not satisfying your partner sexually. Especially for married ones that need periodic sexual events to make their marriage lively. This article ‘How To Fix Erectile Dysfunction’ will help those affected by Erectile dysfunction.
This situation is referred to as Erectile Dysfunction (ED). It occurs when a man is unable to get the expected ‘hardness”, an erection that is strong enough for penetration into his partner’s Vaginal or not being able to get an erection at all. It may also mean getting an erection but losing it before you are ready for sexual activity.
Erection problem is a common phenomenon. The worrisome occurrence is a notorious happening among men of varying ages. It does not have to do with age or race. Almost all adults at a certain time have trouble keeping an erection at one time or another, and the problem may cease occurrence with little or no treatment. But for some, the problem becomes continuous. They all time have difficulty keeping an erection. This is called Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
A study shows this problem affects up to 30 million men in the USA alone, meaning that the deficiency affects many men globally.
Does it have a cure? Depending on the cause, some ED is permanent and can only be maintained, not cured, while some can be fixed entirely, The solution depends largely on the cause. Let’s take a snap look at the cause of this dysfunction in men before delving into the best way to fix it.
Sexual arousal in men isn’t that simple. It is based on some sequence of events in the body before your penis gets erected. The process starts with the brain activating the nerves in the penis to relax in the spongy tissues that run through the penis’ length. Blood will flow from arteries to fill open spaces in the spongy tissue when the muscles relax. When the blood pressure increase, it will make the penis enlarge, and the membranes around the spongy tissue will cause an erection. However, if this sequence is interrupted in the body at any point, it will result in the inability to keep an erection that can sustain sexual pleasure.
Many factors are responsible for interrupting this sequence in men’s bodies. They are;
Medical factor
New or protracted medical diseases can shut your penis from being active for the sexual job.
Underlining health issues like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, low testosterone, heart diseases, prostate, and high cholesterol can lead to interruption in the sequence of your erection process.
Men with diabetes suffer from ED because the disease can damage the nerves that signal increased blood flow to the penis area. Research shows that men with type 2 diabetes are more prone to low testosterone than men with no diabetic issues. Testosterone is the hormone that affects men’s sexual energy. It sends arousal impulses to the brain. Also, heart disease may cause constriction of blood flow and cause artery blockage, which may hinder your erection.
Other health issues related to ED are clogged blood vessels, multiple sclerosis, metabolic syndrome, or Parkinson’s disease.
Mental factors
An unstable mental condition can affect your sexual prowess. You risk suffering from a prolonged ED if you have underlined mental issues like depression, fatigue, sleep disorder, stress, and marital violence. If you are suffering from any of these, you may get lost in any feeling relating to sexual excitement. Nursing any of the above mentioned will unconsciously wound your mental state, which will have a chronic effect on your penis in the long run. Also, ED can occur if you are not in a good relationship with your supposed sexual partner. You need a high level of psychological attraction to enjoy good sex together.
Bad Intakes
Erectile dysfunction is common among drunkards and chain smokers. Taking Tobacco, and drinking excessive alcohol, among other abuse, can constrict blood vessels, leading to a weak erection or no erection at all.
Having known the cause, you should by now be aware that the treatment depends on the cause. If you are suffering from any temporal underlining medical issue, using the right medications will restore your erection. If it is a protracted illness you are suffering from, maintaining the disease with medical advice will certainly improve your ED condition. If the issue is outside of medical reasons, doing away with the cause will restore your lost erection.
However, there are natural ways you can use to fix erectile dysfunction without a doctor’s intervention. This mostly works if you are aware that medical reason is not the cause of the ED.
Don’t be ashamed of the Impotence.
The most important of all fixes to get rid of the ED is not being ashamed of it. Learn to talk about it and handle the treatment like every other human illness. You are not alone. It happens to many elites out there. Be open about it to your partner and your doctor or anyone you know who can be of help.
Make Diet a necessity.
If you are the type that does consume junk or live on heavy alcohol and smoking, you should be aware it is a severe risk of ED. Henceforth, be determined on consuming a balanced diet. Consume less processed food and eat more vegetables, fruits, fish, legumes, and nuts. A 2017 Research corroborates this assertion that eating more of these foods lessens the risk of ED in middle-aged men.
Be intentional in losing weight.
Being overweight is generally unhealthy for your body system. It can cause or worsen your ED. It is even more common among fat, large waist, or people dealing with obesity. Exercise regularly and eat a balanced death to lose weight.
However, body exercise isn’t merely for overweight people. If you are not overweight but still experiencing ED, engage in physical activity as well. Engage in intense aerobic exercise for 50-60 minutes daily and consistently for at least four times every week. As an ED patient, be particular in physical exercise like running, cycling, swimming, hiking, and intermittently use the gym if you have access to one. This aid in improving your level of testosterone and blood vessels.
Body Rest
Sleeping for at least 6 hours every night helps improves the condition of a person suffering from ED. You risk Impotence and even lack of sexual desire if you stress your body a lot and overwork your body and brain. Having a sleep disorder can cause erectile dysfunction or increase its consistency in your body. Not getting enough body rest will lower your testosterone levels as well. This may contribute largely to getting ED.
Seek therapeutic help and counseling
ED sometimes may not be due to physical issues but psychological ones like traumas, fear of failure, and religious influences. As a result, this can lead to low self-esteem or emotional distress that may even aggravate the ED. A therapy to re-frame the mind could be of help in this instance.
Also, ED can be caused by having anxiety before having sex. Such a man needs requisite sex education to arrest the tension and get into the right frame of mind for the intercourse. It is also advisable for partners to schedule having time with a relationship counselor to fix the possible brawl the man’s deficiency might cause in the relationship or marriage.
Stress reduction, cutting down on alcohol, and doing away with smoking are equally safe ways of fixing erectile dysfunction.
However, these natural solutions may not be quick in achieving results. Depending on the cause, there may even be no improvement at all. Taking drugs might proffer a quick solution. Engage the service of a medical doctor in this regard. Don’t self-medicate! Most supplements advertised online or sold in medical stores as drugs for ED treatment contain a dangerous recipe. Besides, some are not fit for your use based on underlining medical conditions you might have been nursing. Talk to your doctor before taking any drug for ED.
Lastly, surgery may be the solution to fix your ED. This is based on the severity of the ED. A Penile prosthesis surgery can be carried out as the treatment to cure the ED. Also, if obesity is the cause of your ED, gastric bypass surgery can be carried out on your blood vessel, which will eventually improve your erection.
Suppose erection isn’t yet a constant disorder in your body. It is best you prevent its possible occurrence by keeping with the information below.
· Do away with consuming saturated fat food.
· Don’t take high cholesterol, it can block the arteries flowing blood to the penis.
· Maintain a portable and healthy weight.
· Be passionate about making physical body exercise.
· Don’t be influenced by peers or social pressure to take sildenafil drugs before having sex with your partner.
While natural remedies may improve your ED challenge and overhaul your health status, it is best to talk to your doctor for proper diagnosis and possible treatment or professional advice that can improve the condition.
Remember, ED isn’t something to be shameful about, don’t let it affect your self-esteem. Also, treating ED will make changes in your lifestyle. You must be ready to adapt to a new lifestyle, like losing weight and doing away with alcohol. Finally, don’t rush the process, the process is gradual and can’t be changed.
Jimoh Omotayo is an SEO content writer and an SEO analyst. A passionate blogger. He writes largely on medical and financial articles. He also ghostwrites e-books on health and fitness.
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