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Group rejects nationwide protest, calls for national dialogue — National Accord Newspaper


By SADIQ ABUBAKAR, Maiduguri –

A coalition of civil society groups in Borno State, united by a shared commitment to progress, unity, and patriotism, has publicly denounced the planned nationwide protest. After thorough consultations and careful consideration, the group has decided not to participate in the protest, citing concerns about its potential consequences.

The Chairman of the Coalition, Comrade Abdul-Hadi Yunusa, expressed fears that the protest could escalate into uncontrollable destruction, threatening the peace and unity of Nigerians going about their daily lives.

He emphasized the group’s commitment to peaceful coexistence and economic progress.

At a press conference held at the NUJ Press Center in Maiduguri on Monday, Yunusa stated, “We understand the economic and social hardships driving the calls for protest, but we cannot support an action that may lead to chaos and harm innocent citizens.”

He said: “The high inflation rate, escalating costs of foodstuffs, exorbitant prices of petroleum products, rising electricity tariffs, and pervasive insecurity are realities that have made life increasingly difficult for many Nigerians,” Yunusa added.

The Chairman emphasized the need for immediate interventions and dialogue to address the pressing issues, stating, “These concerns warrant swift and thorough attention from the government.” He urged policymakers to draw lessons from countries like Sudan, Kenya, Cuba, Rwanda, and Libya, which have experienced similar protests with devastating consequences.

The Chairman cautioned that initially peaceful demonstrations in these nations escalated into violent clashes, leading to prolonged instability, economic decline, and loss of life. He stressed that Nigeria must learn from these examples to avoid similar outcomes, highlighting the importance of addressing the issues promptly to prevent long-term damage to the nation’s social and economic fabric.

According to him, these illustrate that protests, even when initiated with the best intentions, can spiral out of control and lead to unintended consequences.

” We must heed these lessons and prioritize the stability and unity of Nigeria above all else call for dialogue. In light of these concerns, we call on all Nigerians, particularly our youth and civil society organizations to embrace dialogue with the government.

” Dialogue, negotiation, and constructive engagement are the hallmarks of a mature democracy and offer a more sustainable path to resolving our grievances.

“History has shown us that lasting solutions are best achieved through conversation and understanding, rather than confrontation.

“We urge protest organizers and participants to reconsider their approach and explore alternative avenues for expressing their demands. Let us channel our energy towards building a consensus on the way forward and avoid actions that may inadvertently harm our nation.

The group also called on the federal government as a matter of importance to look into the issues with a view to address them magically.

“We urge citizens to embrace dialogue, we also recognize that the onus lies heavily on the government to address the root causes of the current discontent. To this end, we strongly recommend the following measures such as, Immediate Economic Stabilization Policies.

” Implement targeted fiscal policies to curb inflation and stabilize the economy. Subsidize essential food items to reduce the burden of high food prices on citizens. Introduce price controls on petroleum products and explore alternative energy sources to mitigate the impact of high fuel costs on the populace.

“Reduction of electricity tariffs, review and reduce electricity tariffs to make power more affordable for all Nigerians. Invest in renewable energy projects to diversify our energy sources and ensure a more stable and cost-effective electricity supply.

“Enhancing Security, Strengthen the capacity of our security agencies to effectively combat terrorism, banditry, and other forms of criminality. Implement community policing initiatives to improve local security and build trust between law enforcement and communities.

“Other include the provision of adequate support and welfare for our security personnel to enhance their morale and efficiency. Employment and Social Welfare Programs.

‘Launch comprehensive job creation programs targeting youth and women, who are disproportionately affected by unemployment. Expand social welfare schemes to support vulnerable populations, including the elderly, disabled, and economically disadvantaged.

“Agricultural Development. Invest in modern agricultural practices to boost food production and reduce dependency on food imports. Provide subsidies and incentives for small scale farmers to increase productivity and ensure food security.

“Infrastructure Development Accelerate the completion of critical infrastructure projects, particularly in transportation, healthcare, and education. Ensure equitable distribution of infrastructure projects across all regions to promote balanced development and reduce regional disparities.

The group suggested for a way forward for the country in addressing the hardship that has necessitated the calls for protest, that it is essential for the government to act decisively and transparently.

The group proposed the following steps to build trust and foster a sense of shared responsibility between the government and the citizens such National Dialogue Forum. Convene a national dialogue forum comprising representatives from the government, civil society, youth groups, and other stakeholders to discuss and formulate actionable solutions to our national challenges.

” Ensure transparency and accountability in government operations to restore public confidence. Regularly communicate progress on implemented policies and involve citizens in the decision-making process.

“Strengthen democratic institutions and the rule of law to create an enabling environment for economic growth and social stability. Promoting National Unity

” Launch initiatives aimed at fostering national unity and cohesion, transcending ethnic, religious, and political divides. while we acknowledge the grievances that have fueled the call for a nationwide protest, we firmly believe that dialogue and constructive engagement remain the most effective means of achieving lasting solutions.

” We urge all Nigerians to prioritize the peace and stability of our nation and to work collaboratively towards a brighter future. We call on the government to heed the cries of the people and to implement the recommended measures to alleviate the suffering of Nigerians. Together, we can overcome our challenges and build a prosperous and united Nigeria.


The OPINION / COLUMN is authored by independent contributors to the National Accord Newspaper. While contributors adhere to our editorial guidelines, they are not employed by the National Accord Newspaper. The perspectives and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of the National Accord Newspaper or its staff.

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