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Gilgo Beach Murders : Rex Heuermann To Be Charged With 2 More Killings [Video]

Rex Heuermann, the alleged Gilgo Beach serial killer, will be back in court on Thursday to face additional charges in connection …


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1 month ago

There's no telling how many there are. What a monster

1 month ago

The usual suspects.

1 month ago

ladies if your boyfrien or husband is building something in the basement please go down there and find out what hes up to. And if your gut tells you something is not right get out. Theres too many weirdos out there.
Remember Ted Bundys count was 300 women. Yet he had a girlfriend (alive). He liked his victims dead. I wuess you could say he had a better relationship with a cadivar.

1 month ago

What's really disturbing is his punishment being free housing, food, clothing, and medicine for the rest of his life.

1 month ago

Strong face thumbnail…. he was a weirdo ….

1 month ago

the usual suspects. hahahaha

1 month ago

NOT sex worker. just say HO.

1 month ago

I hope they keep digging, these evil monsters, sadly, ALWAYS keep " trophies & details of their kills, he really robbed these women of their lives/ dignities, @ least their families aren't left wondering where they are…😔🤍🕊🕊🕊

1 month ago

30 years ago.?
He killed a lot more, dude..
Freedom overspilll…

1 month ago

Did he have a degree in architecture…..I think not

1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago

Rex resembles Donald Trump

1 month ago

His wife knew everything she was just afraid he would kill her so she kept quiet…thats y she traveled so much to act like she didn't know nothing

1 month ago

Rex is what nightmares are made of.

1 month ago

His name is pronounced like Hoyermunn

1 month ago

I would like to know the evidence connecting him to these two new charges.

Because if it is solid he might as well call it a day and fess up.

1 month ago

He doesn't sound completely guilty.

1 month ago

Demons prowl the Earth, stay safe and stay vigilant!

1 month ago

Uuugghh with this monster! No doubt more will be found.

1 month ago

Please stop calling victims sex workers and escorts!! They are simply VICTIMS!!!

1 month ago

I don’t see how his wife didn’t know!!😡

1 month ago

And you're going to tell me they still don't think his wife was home for these

1 month ago


1 month ago

The wife needs held responsible for this too. No way she didn’t know what was going on IN HER OWN HOME! Despicable humans. No more life deserved for this filthy human.

1 month ago

I was watching a profiler being interviewed about this when Heuermann was first arrested. The profiler believed that there were 2 seperate serial killers disposing bodies out there. One group of bodies was wrapped in burlap each time…tied to Heuermann. Then there were several that were each dismembered and discarded in plastic bags. Completely different means of death/disposal, I really hope that they are not going to try to tie them all to Heuermann IF there really is an additional killer out there. I understand that they want to solve the cases (politicians love the optics), but the dismemberment seems really, really far from Heuermann's MO. Just putting that out there. Either way, I'm glad this monster will never again see freedom.


this guy wouldn’t even be here if we closed the border!!!! remember what king trump said “they aren’t sending their best people. ALL RAPISTS ANS MURDERERS!!!!!!!!” CLOSE THE GOD DAMN BORDER!!!!!

1 month ago


1 month ago

He has the weirdest haircut which makes him more scary. Wonder if they're still investigating other deaths in Nevada and the Carolinas.

1 month ago

I knew it and they are not the only ones!
He has been killing for decades!

1 month ago

They need cadaver dogs to search every inch of his property in South Carolina, too.

1 month ago

He doesn't look like human he looks like monster 💩💩

1 month ago

"7,000 other persons of interest" – wow – it is simply not believable that cops could honestly be this incompetent – they seriously need to check if heuermann has buddies on the force that were covering up his murders ..

1 month ago

Gilgo beach 6 ?

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