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Can the masses truely change Nigeria for the better?

Questions And AnswersCategory: GeneralCan the masses truely change Nigeria for the better?
techguru asked 2 years ago
I have been hearing the 'changes start from you' slogan from people especially those who are political leaders and some people. But i think to be realistic, changes should start from our political office holders because they have the power, they have the authority and finance to effect the positive changes the nation need. The street is full of men and women who want to make some changes but are denied by the environment and bad governance and in such situation there is very little or nothing the masses can do. I think our leaders should just stop pssing the buck of changes to the masses, it should start from them, or what do you think?
ProfT Staff replied 2 years ago

The masses can do it if we all Unite and say no to corruption and bad governance. A typical example was during the time of the end SARS protest. Today SARS has been scrapped.

The change starts from you slogan is also very correct. These leaders don’t fall from heaven. They all emerged from within us, meaning at some point in time, they were also part of the masses. If every individual can change for good, this will ensure that good leaders emerge at the end of the day.

1 Answers
newman answered 2 years ago
Let the changes start from the top and the citizen will all have to buckle up
ProfT Staff replied 2 years ago

But remember your original question was “can the masses change Nigeria for better”? This your response is for our leaders. I have explained what I feel the masses can do according to your question.

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