Erectile Dysfunction And Treatment
Sexual health is a critical aspect of a man’s existence. When a problem arises in this area, the resultant mental and emotional consequences are often detrimental. Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common sexual-related problems in men. More than 20% of the global population of men experience erectile dysfunction. Medical studies, performed over the years, have unearthed several underlying causes responsible for the occurrence of erectile dysfunction in men. And this article provides a detailed overview of erectile dysfunction and treatments that provide lasting solutions to the problem.
What Is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a health condition in which a man suffers from an inability to maintain a firm and erected penis during sexual intercourse. The risk of developing erectile dysfunction increases as a man advances in age. However, it is not a natural occurrence. It is a result of physiological defects because of some fundamental changes in the body.
What Are The Main Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction?
Generally, the lack of adequate blood flow to the masculine genital areas is the basic cause of erectile dysfunction. Several underlying issues may be responsible for the restriction of blood supply. In some cases, the restriction of blood flow to the genitals may be caused by a combination of more than one cause. Determining the cause of erectile dysfunction may require a diagnostic approach.
Besides blood flow issues, side effects of some medications can also cause erectile dysfunction. Medications that treat blood pressure have been found to cause erectile dysfunction in some males. In addition, excessive intake of tobacco and alcohol also results in erectile dysfunction.
Also, medical experts have identified diabetes as one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction because of its effect on blood vessels. Neurological diseases may influence the performance of masculine organs. And emotional conditions such as anxiety, stress, and depression would also have some effect on how the male organ responds to sensual stimuli. Other causes of erectile dysfunction include heart disease, obesity, spinal injuries, and high blood pressure.
Signs And Symptoms Of Erectile Dysfunction
There are a few signs that men would notice when they begin to develop erectile dysfunction. Although in some cases, it may not give any signal before it develops fully. Listed below are some noticeable symptoms of erectile dysfunction
low testosterone levels.
Low sex drive
Poor muscle development
Painful erection
Treatment Of Erectile Dysfunction
There are several ways to remedy erectile dysfunction, depending on the severity of the condition. Some dysfunction may respond to simple ingestion of pills, while others may require a long period of therapy or medical procedure. Here are some known ways to remedy erectile dysfunction.
Food has been found to help remedy several cases of erectile dysfunction in males. However, not every kind of food has the capability to cure ED. Food ideal for resolving erectile dysfunction is rich in certain nutrients such as:
Nitrate is converted to nitric oxide in the body. It contributes to the dilation of blood vessels for easy flow of blood. Nitrate is found in leafy vegetables, spinach, and fruits.
Flavonoid is a compound usually found in fruits and berries. It is effective at lowering blood pressure and combating cholesterol levels. Dark chocolate and banana are examples of food rich in flavonoids.
Zinc is an active component that contributes to the secretion of testosterone hormone in males. Consuming shellfish and oysters would increase the supply of zinc in the body
Arginine helps in the creation of nitric oxide within the body. Arginine is abundant in most nuts and fruits like watermelon.
Physical activities are found to also help with erectile problems. Most intense activities that involve substantial body tissues help in the secretion of testosterone hormone in the body. The hormone is responsible for tissue performance in the body. Usually, exercises involving the lower parts of the body are more potent at helping to release testosterone hormones that contribute to improved sexual health. Squatting, bicycle workout, bridge pose, sit-ups, etc are examples of exercises that increase testosterone hormone in the body.
Drugs such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra Staxyn, Stendra, etc., are effective at combating erectile dysfunction. It helps dilate the two arteries in the penile tissue. Oral medications take about one hour to influence the performance of the penis. Medical experts have advised to limit the intake of Viagra to once a day. Viagra has 80% effectiveness against erectile dysfunction.
Medical Procedure
For some complicated cases of erectile dysfunction, there may be a need to see highly skilled medical experts procedures in medicine used to remedy erectile dysfunction include:
The procedure is called intracavernous injection therapy. The injection is used to deliver Alprostadil to the urethral wall through an injection. The medication helps keep the penis erect during intercourse.
Vacuum Erection Devices
The device is worn over the penis and the pump on the device pulls blood into the penis through an electronic or manual process. An elastic ring placed at the base of the penis keeps the blood from flowing out of the arteries. This procedure helps keep the penis erect for intercourse.
Other medical procedures include penile implant, urethral suppositories, oral medications, etc. Oftentimes, some of these procedures are used in tandem with other procedures.
Who Can Treat Erectile Dysfunction?
Treating erectile dysfunction requires an advanced level of skills and training. Below are some experts that are trained to handle cases of erectile dysfunction and what they do.
Erectile Dysfunction Primary Care Physician
A primary care physician is ultimately a doctor with a general understanding of ED and has the competence to provide prescriptions for patients suffering from erectile dysfunction.
A Urologist is a specialist whose core competence involves solving medical conditions relating to male and female urinary tract systems.
Erectile Dysfunction Prosthetic Urologist
Prosthetic Urologists are a little more advanced than ordinary Urologists. They are more specialized in areas of masculine health and erectile dysfunctions. They have the competence that allows them to conduct penile implants in males.
Erectile dysfunction can put a permanent dent in the self-esteem of any man. Some males are not comfortable discussing sexual-related issues with their doctors. It is critical to note that Erectile dysfunction is not a condition that should be kept private because it is often a sign of other underlying health conditions that may be detrimental to your health. EG. high cholesterol levels, clogged blood vessels, etc. Advancement in medical methods now provides several solutions to ED. Patients experiencing this medical condition can feel secure discussing with their doctors to find a lasting solution to the problem.
About the writer:
Taiwo Olubunmi has a background in applied science from the Federal University of Akure. He is a content expert who has contributed extensively to thoughts shared across various blogs in the areas of health, business, and finance. He is currently undergoing advanced content marketing training with HubSpot Academy.