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Dying by the Dozens: Ogun communities’ perilous quest for clean water across Benin Republic’s Borders

A woman fetching from a dirty streams

Sodiq Ojuroungbe

Getting potable water for residents of Asaa, Agbelepon, Agbele, Oke-Odo Ibore, and Lafenwa in the Yewa North Local Government Area of Ogun State, is a luxury they can barely afford. In this investigative report, SODIQ OJUROUNGBE exposes the longstanding struggles they endure, the health risks they face consuming contaminated water and the arduous journey they embark on across the border into the neighbouring Benin Republic in search of this essential amenity.


Residents of five agrarian communities in Ogun State presently have their lives mired in misery and suffering and have out of frustration, resigned themselves to a life of hardships caused by lack of potable water.

The inability to access good boreholes or reliable wells compel them and others in close proximity to fetch water from contaminated streams and rivers, or endure hours of travel across the border to the Benin Republic, just to fetch clean water.

An investigation by PUNCH Healthwise revealed that the lack of clean water has led to several deaths and health-related problems for these residents.

It was gathered that they have for years, suffered from gastrointestinal diseases, and skin infections, among other debilitating illnesses.

It was observed that this situation has driven many to tow the religious route – turning to prayer and hoping for a miracle that will bring them water.

However, as it stands, their lives remain entrenched in hardship and uncertainty.

PUNCH Healthwise learnt that the search for potable water, which takes residents to the Benin Republic, always comes at a costly price – deaths in the hands of criminal elements.

David Adenusi claimed that his first son, Solomon, became a casualty during one of the desperate journeys to obtain clean water, as he was killed by suspected herdsmen on a rampage.

Adebisi Oludoku
Adebisi Oludoku

Recall that Asaa was one of the agrarian communities with several reported cases of herdsmen attacks between 2020 and 2022.

Recalling what happened, Adewusi said in June 2021, Solomon ventured out with a group of friends to fetch water from a borehole in Owode, a neighbouring village located in the Benin Republic, when armed men suspected to be herders attacked them. While Solomon’s friends managed to escape, he was hacked to death.

For Adenusi, the grief remains raw even though it has been more than two years since his son was killed.

Amid his sorrow, Adenusi reflects on the good life his son lived. He remembers how the young boy always brimmed with joy and laughter, and how his radiant smile could illuminate any room.

The grieving father also recalls how proud he was of his late son, who was consistently eager to learn and assist around the house.

With a voice heavy with grief, he said, “I still see his face every time I close my eyes. It’s difficult to articulate the pain of losing a child. I miss him every day. I know I will never see him again, but releasing the pain is challenging. What makes the pain run deep is the fact that we still lack access to clean water.

“We’re forced to drink from contaminated sources, and I understand it’s unsafe. But what other option do we have? I hold onto the hope that one day, things will change; that we’ll have clean water and won’t need to risk our lives just to quench our thirst.”

Compelled to drink dirty water

Adenusi said following the death of his son, he and other members of his family could not bring themselves to travel to the Benin Republic to fetch clean water for household use.

Further expressing his grief in Yoruba, he said, “We recognised the risks were high, and couldn’t bear the thought of losing anyone again. Instead, we resorted to using dirty water from the streams dredged by the community.

“We know it is unsafe as it often causes diarrhoea and stomach cramps but there are no alternatives.  We are trapped here with no foreseeable end in sight.”

Similar lamentations 

Adenusi’s narrative underscores the persistent challenges confronting Asaa and its four neighbouring communities due to lack of water. The tragic incident sheds light on the numerous dangers faced by the residents and the extreme measures they must endure to survive.

While engaging with over 30 residents from the affected communities, including community leaders, it became apparent that many end up nursing illnesses after consuming contaminated water, which is what they have access to.

PUNCH Healthwise learnt that children often miss school because they spend considerable time fetching water, while pregnant women frequently give birth during their quest for water.

Despite several reassurances by the Ogun State government that it is committed to providing potable water provision for its populace, residents of Asaa and other communities along the border claimed they are yet to get even a hand-dug well.

They lament being trapped in a cycle of poverty and ill health, and deprived access to clean water and other basic amenities.

The residents said they have appealed to the state government for help, yet nothing has been done.

They expressed feeling abandoned and forgotten and left to fend for themselves at a time when economic hardship was biting hard.

Many others travel several hours for water

Other residents lament that the only way to get good water is to trek for more than two hours to Owode or Egelu in Benin Republic to access clean water.

Additionally, they sometimes walk to Agbon and Ibeku, located within the Nigerian borders, to fetch water from wells.

Mary Ogundele, a resident of Oke-Odo Ibore, described how she must walk for miles to fetch water for her family. She lamented that the trek takes a toll on her body, and the water she gets is often contaminated with dirt, leading to frequent illnesses among her children.

“My children always fall sick because of the water here. I have no choice but to use this water,” she said.

Another resident, Binace Ogundele, echoed similar sentiments, stating, “Our situation is dire. We are forced to either use this water or embark on long journeys to access clean water. It’s not feasible for us to travel to Benin Republic, which is why we resort to using this water at times.”

“As women, we often trek for two to three hours just to obtain water. Sometimes, we have to journey to Egelu, Owode, and other locations to access clean water from boreholes constructed by the Benin Republic government.”

Utilizing the open-source tool Google Earth, it was revealed that the distance between Asaa and Owode in Benin Republic is approximately five kilometres, while it exceeds seven kilometres for residents of Agbele, Oke-Odo Ibore, and Lafenwa.


Rural communities suffer despite huge budget for water supply

Findings from PUNCH Healthwise indicate that despite significant funds allocated to water supply in Ogun State, it remains one of the states lacking access to clean water.

According to the 2021 Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene National Outcome Routine Mapping, 38 per cent of Ogun State residents consume water contaminated with E. coli either at its source or within their households.

This survey, conducted in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Water Resources and the National Bureau of Statistics, revealed that only 34 per cent of the population in Ogun State have access to safely managed water.

Additionally, the survey highlighted that merely nine per cent of the populace in Ogun State have access to basic hygiene services. Furthermore, a study by the Department of Civil Engineering at Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, unveiled that 81 per cent of residents rely on groundwater resources, with only 14.9 per cent receiving water from public utilities.

The researchers sampled the population spread in five out of the 20 LGAs and discovered that over 75 per cent of respondents source water for themselves, and 65 per cent expressed a preference not to pay for water services even if the government were to make them available.

To ascertain how much the state government had spent in providing water in the last four years, PUNCH Healthwise accessed some budgetary documents on an open data platform known as Open Nigerian States.

It was discovered that N27, 735, 512,998.99, was allocated between 2020 and 2023 for water supply, salary of the workers, capital expenditures, and other logistics, and for demonstrating the administration’s commitment to solving issues with water accessibility.

A yearly breakdown of expenditures from the financial records of the state, uploaded on the portal and scrutinized by our correspondent, revealed that out of the N2,153,289,009.82 budgeted for Water Resources and Rural Development in 2020, N272,808,104.18 was allocated for rural water supply, while N1,880,480,903.64 was allocated to the water corporation.

It was also discovered that in 2021 and 2022, N11,092,964,470.12 and N7,762,915,905.31 respectively were budgeted for partnerships, water supply projects, water corporations, and rural water initiatives.

Further investigation by PUNCH Healthwise revealed that N6,726,343,613.74 was budgeted for Water Resources and Rural Development in the state for the year 2023.

Upon reviewing the budget implementation documents from 2020 to 2023, it was found that the allocated funds for rural water supply had less than a 20 per cent performance rate in all four years.


Digging ditches for unclean water 

Despite all the money allocated for water supply in the state and even with Governor Dapo Abiodun coming out to declare a state of emergency in water, sanitation, and hygiene, an investigation by PUNCH Healthwise showed that not a single borehole claimed to have been constructed by the government was sighted in Asaa or any of the neighbouring communities within a 20km radius.

Speaking with residents of Asaa, Agbelepon, Agbele, Oke-Odo Ibore, and Lafenwa about this, they claimed that male residents had to dig ditches to access unclean water during dry seasons.

They added that those ditches became a stream of dirty water during rainy seasons.

When our correspondent visited the ditches that have become in Asaa and Agbelepon, it was discovered that they were about five feet deep and dug into the hard-packed earth.

It was observed that the ditches, which had greenish water and were filled with debris were seen in various locations within Asaa and Agbelepon.

Our correspondent discovered that water sourced from the ditches serves several purposes including drinking, cooking, and bathing.

Further investigation revealed that inhabitants of Agbele, Oke-Odo Ibore, and Lafenwa trek for as long as an hour to Asaa, to access the contaminated water from the ditches.

The traditional ruler of Asaa, Adele Baale, Matthew Olukoku, said the water has been a source of waterborne illnesses like diarrhoea and dysentery, and also causes skin infections.

“The water emits a foul odour and has an unpleasant taste, yet we are left with no alternative. It’s like consuming poison, but we are compelled to drink it.

“We are left with no recourse! These ditches have transformed into a symbol of our fight for survival, serving as a constant reminder of the hurdles we endure just to obtain the most fundamental necessities,” lamented the community leader.


Deaths by the dozens

PUNCH Healthwise learnt that residents of Asaa and the four neighbouring communities have suffered significant losses, with many loved ones succumbing to illnesses believed to have been caused by contaminated water from the ditches.

Joseph Oga, the community leader of Agbelepon, said it was not until after numerous deaths occurred that they were able to link them to water from the ditches.

Despite understanding the consequences of consuming the dirty water, residents are faced with two deadly options – to die drink the dangerous water, or embark on the long dangerous journey to Benin Republic to fetch clean water.

“It’s not a simple task and travelling to Benin Republic is like a whole day’s work for our women. Consequently, we often resort to drinking the water as is and pray for a miracle.

“It feels as though a curse has been placed upon us. We’re at a loss for what to do. We simply yearn for access to clean water so that we can live in peace.

“The absence of clean water has had a devastating impact on the people of Asaa, and its effects continue to linger,” lamented the visibly distressed community leader.

Also expressing his disappointment, the youth leader of Asaa, Adebisi Oludokun, said, “Mysterious deaths are common here, particularly among the youth and children.

“There was a time we had a cholera outbreak and a lot of people were killed in this area, but it looks like the government doesn’t care about what we are going through.”


Cholera, waterborne diseases now a norm

Investigations conducted by PUNCH Healthwise showed that the affected communities have been grappling with waterborne diseases such as cholera, skin infections, and typhoid for a long time.

During discussions with residents, concerns were raised about the grim reality of these diseases becoming an everyday occurrence.

A resident, Alisi Babaniroko told our correspondent that she and several women in the Agbele community consistently suffer from stomach disorders.

She acknowledged that water from the ditches is contaminated but that the arduous journey to the nearest clean water source, would take hours on foot and always amount to too much suffering.

“Many of us fall sick and some have even lost their lives. The community is in dire need. We’ve reported to the government about suffering from stomach pains, diarrhoea, skin rashes, fever, and vomiting. These symptoms align with cholera and other waterborne diseases but no help has come our way,” Babaniroko lamented.

“Many residents have resorted to traditional herbs for treatment because we don’t have functional hospitals. We are desperate for a resolution. We’ve appealed to the government to provide clean water but our pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

“With each passing day, the risk of disease outbreak increases, and the people of Asaa are at risk of further tragedy.”

Access to clean water low in Nigeria

The consequences of not having access to potable water are far overreaching.

The World Health Organisation strongly recommends a minimum daily consumption of two litres of water to support overall well-being and prevent dehydration-related complications.

Access to clean water and sanitation, as outlined in Sustainable Development Goal 6, is a fundamental human right, yet it remains a challenge for millions worldwide.

A Sustainable Development Goals Report in 2022 highlighted that around 2 billion people lack access to reliably managed drinking water services, while an estimated 4.2 billion people lack access to safe sanitation facilities as of 2020.

The report underscores the fact that the water crisis profoundly impacts health, well-being, and productivity, resulting in millions of deaths annually from waterborne diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, and typhoid fever, with women and girls bearing a disproportionate burden as they often spend hours fetching water, exposing themselves to risks of violence and harassment due to inadequate sanitation facilities.

The World Bank estimates that 70 million Nigerians lack access to safe drinking water, while 114 million lack access to basic sanitation facilities.

Additionally, a WaterAid fact sheet predicts that by 2030, water scarcity could displace anywhere between 24 million to 700 million people globally, with significant implications for Nigeria, where a substantial portion of the population already lacks access to clean water.

The deficiency in access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene services remains a pressing issue in Nigeria, especially in rural communities.


Old and young look malnourished 

PUNCH Healthwise discovered that the lack of clean water has not only caused a range of illnesses in the community but also led to a serious issue of malnutrition.

Our correspondent observed that children in Asaa, Agbelepon, Agbele, Oke-Odo Ibore, and Lafenwa have pallid appearances and appear diminutive with their bones visible beneath thin skin, while some of the adults appear emaciated, feeble, and with sunken eyes.

According to a 2019 report by the United Nations Children’s Fund and the WHO, one in three individuals worldwide lacks access to safe drinking water.

The report further asserts that the presence of contaminated water not only leads to poor hygiene but also facilitates the transmission of diseases such as cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A, and typhoid. The

The report indicates that individuals exposed to contaminated water are more likely to be underweight and have lower levels of haemoglobin and protein in their blood.

Furthermore, children who consume contaminated water are more prone to experiencing stunted growth and delayed development.

A comprehensive review published in the journal Maternal and Child Nutrition examined numerous studies and concluded that improved water quality can significantly impact child growth and development.

Specifically, the review found that access to clean water can diminish the prevalence of stunting, underweight conditions, and low birth weight, while also enhancing child cognitive development.

These findings highlight the importance of addressing the problem of unsafe drinking water in order to improve child health.

One study included in the review found that providing access to clean water can reduce the incidence of stunting by up to 25 per cent.

Meanwhile, another study found that providing clean water reduced the incidence of diarrhoea by up to 40 per cent.


Communities threaten to join Benin Republic 

Residents of Asaa and others going through water crises told our correspondent that if their needs are not addressed, they might consider seeking citizenship in the Benin Republic.

Several residents expressed similar thoughts, insisting that unless the Nigerian government takes decisive action to improve water quality in the region, they will be left with no choice but to move across the border to live.


Expert warns 

According to a public health physician, Dr Ademola Oyero, the unclean water used by residents of Asaa, Agbelepon, Agbele, Oke-Odo Ibore, and Lafenwa poses a significant health risk.

He noted that residents, particularly children and the elderly are vulnerable to health issues if they consume contaminated water.

Oyero further said unclean water can exacerbate malnutrition by impairing the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food, thereby, contributing to stunted growth and other health complications, especially in children.

“There is an urgent need for the government to ensure access to safe and clean drinking water. This can be achieved through the establishment of wells, water treatment plants, and the implementation of water purification systems in households.

“Furthermore, improving sanitation practices within the community, including the provision of toilets and waste disposal systems, is essential.

“These measures can mitigate the use of contaminated water for drinking and other purposes, consequently reducing the incidence of disease and malnutrition, particularly among children,” Oyero added.

While acknowledging that implementing these solutions may necessitate significant investment, he underscored their critical importance in safeguarding the health of the affected communities.

“Without these interventions, the health status of these communities will continue to deteriorate,” he cautioned.



Senator’s wife promised to provide motorised borehole – LG Chairman

While reacting, the chairman of Yewa North LG, Ogunyomi Oluwole, said efforts are being made to provide potable water for the communities.

He revealed that Temitope Adeola, the wife of Senator Solomon Ademola, had pledged to provide a motorized borehole.

“Mrs Temitope Adeola reached out to me, and together with her team, we visited these communities. She promised to install a motorised borehole and also reconstruct the maternity centre in the vicinity.

“I am confident that Yayi’s wife will fulfil her promise. The entire government officials, including the House of Assembly member representing the area, were present at the meeting. The residents can be assured that they will soon have access to a motorized borehole.”

Meanwhile, efforts to contact the Special Adviser to Governor Dapo Abiodun on water resources, Kunle Otun, were unsuccessful as his number was not reachable and he did not respond to the five messages sent to his WhatsApp.


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