Afrobeats superstar David Adeleke, widely known as Davido, recently orchestrated a heartwarming birthday celebration for his mother-in-law, the mother of his wife, Chioma Adeleke. The intimate event took place in the stunning tropical paradise of the Bahamas, showcasing the singer’s deep commitment to family and his ability to blend luxury with affection.
Taking to his Instagram stories on Friday, January 3, 2025, Davido shared snippets of the special day, beginning with his grand arrival via private jet. He was accompanied by his billionaire father, siblings, and close family friends, collectively referred to as his “Dynasty,” highlighting the strong familial ties.
The event’s centerpiece was a beautifully crafted birthday cake, which Davido personally carried to his mother-in-law.
In a touching moment, Davido leaned in to kiss the celebrant on the cheek, a gesture that resonated with respect and love.
Davido shared a sweet message, writing, “Happy Birthday to my beautiful Mother-in-Law, Mama Chi.”
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Though the celebration exuded warmth and joy, fans noticed Chioma Adeleke’s absence from the shared videos, sparking curiosity about her presence at the event.
The thoughtful celebration further underscores Davido’s dedication to his family, strengthening his bond with his in-laws and leaving fans applauding his affectionate gesture.
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