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Cross River shall be richest state in the world – Olumba Obu — National Accord Newspaper

The spiritual leader of The Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, Olumba Olumba Obu



The spiritual leader of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star (BCS), His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, has declared that Cross River State shall soon become the richest state in the entire world.

Addressing a mammoth crowd of faithful inside UJ Esuene Stadium Calabar at the end of Easter event tagged ‘Divine Assurance of Christhood”, Olumba Obu said, “The renowned spiritual leader reputed to have word power and sees tomorrow, said the innumerable natural resources in the state are more than those of the world.”

He also declared that as a result of the great wealth available in the state, it shall become the epicentre of global pilgrimage for all religions in the world.

According to him, the ‘glory of Jerusalem’ has moved to the state, adding that she has become the ideal abode of the Almighty Father.

The spiritual leader was moved to make the declarations in appreciation of what he called kind gestures from the state governor to the people of the state, saying, “I hereby pronounce peace, good health, success and progress upon Governor Bassey Otu.

“The governor shall attract great Heavenly blessings upon the state.

Therefore, the governor is advised to introduce activities to engender peace, harmony and love amongst all Cross Riverians and the world. This is because you are chosen by God to experience the glory of God in this era.

“Time is coming when Cross River State shall be the epicenter of pilgrimage for all religions in the world.

“Cross River shall be the richest State on earth due to the vast natural mineral resources beneath their land.”

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