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Akwa Ibom To Commercialise Own Private Jet To Cut Governance Cost

In line with the example set by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu-led Federal Government, Governor Umo Eno of Akwa State has issued an Executive Order (EO) for the state government-owned private jet to be put into commercial use with a view to drastically cut governance cost.

Recall that President Tinubu had recently announced some far-reaching measures including drastic reduction in the number of officials in the entourages of the President and Vice President respectively in both local and international assignments, aimed at reducing travel expenses and estacodes.

At a marathon State Executive Council (SEC) meeting which dragged into late Monday night, Governor Eno, LEADERSHIP garthered, directed the Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Prince Enobong Uwah, to ensure the implementation of the cost-cutting measure to safeguard irregular expenses in view of the current cash crunch affecting the state economy.

The Bombadier model jet was acquired during the era of former Governor Godswill Akpabio.

Addressing journalists at the end of the SEC meeting, the Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Comrade Iniobong Ememobong, explained that the decision became necessary in order to effectively utilise the jet in a more viable and lucrative ventures.

He said: “Council granted permission for the office of the Secretary to the State Government (SSG) to undertake a cost reduction management structure for the state official private jet.

“This decision is predicated on the need for a drastic reduction in the cost of governance, the volatile exchange rate, and the corresponding increase in the cost of maintenance of the private jet. While the aircraft will remain the state’s asset, it will be put to more lucrative use.”

Other issues deliberated upon by the Council, the Commissioner added, were a report presented by the Commissioner for Health, Prof Augustine Umoh, on the proposed dialysis and renal centres in the state, highlighting the sites, buildings, and equipment needed for proper functioning of the health facilities expected to be erected across the 10 federal constituencies of the state, which “the Governor demanded for the final report to enable him approve the project for expedited execution.”

Update on the state’s Social Register, presented by the Ministry of Economic Development with 671,410 entries, the report on the production of educational materials for public primary schools by the Ministry of Education and the
level of ongoing reforms at the state investment agency, AKICORP, were other decisions taken at the state government summit, were deliberated.

“Information and Education Ministries presented a report on the Akwa Ibom-United Kingdom Education Exchange Programme that students from secondary schools in rural areas from all Local Government Areas in the state took examinations from which successful candidates emerged. The Governor reiterated his preparedness to give the selected students an experience of a lifetime.

“On infrastructure, EXCO ratified recommendations from the Finance and General Purposes Committee (FGPC) on the approval for release of funds for additional works at the airport and ongoing road contracts in the state,” Ememobong added

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