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Only God Can Check Cabals In Nigeria’s Oil Sector – Bishop Edoro – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

 Bishop Dr Joseph Ighalo Edoro is an Edo State-born cleric, security expert and public affairs commentator. In this interview with EJIKEME OMENAZU, he speaks on the festering crisis between Dangote Refinery and agencies’ heads in the oil sector, the reinstatement of Philip Shuaibu as Edo State governorship election, the state of the campaigns in the state, and the withdrawal of Joe Biden from the US election, among other issues. Excerpt:

 How do you see the recent disagree­ment between Dangote Refinery, NNPCL and Oil marketers?

The recent disagreement be­tween Dangote Refinery and the NNPCL and its subsidiaries is an expression, interpretation and impression of a relationship gone sour upon which also the bottom has dropped irretriev­ably. Dangote is a pivot and very ubiquitous player in the Nigerian economy, producing, manufactur­ing, distribution and supplies of vital products of consumption to Nigerian homes and families. To this, I believe he has done cred­itably well. Again, not without the support and assistance of the various governments in Ni­geria. I must make haste to say that Dangote and his companies are strictly profit-oriented and must not be seen as though it is free in all its manufacturing and distributions of vital products in our lives. Dangote has virtually used all successive governments to hold Nigeria to ransom anyway. This is the truth. However, I am quick to note that the present im­broglio is not really about compe­tence or licence, or positively the call for monopoly of fuel and its accessories requested by Dangote. It is as a result of ‘Government go, Government come’.

Look, before we start slaughter­ing the government, let us pulse to think of the deep side of this rela­tionship that has gone sour. Suc­cessive governments have been very kind and cooperative with Dangote and if this government is not, then it points to anomalies ranging from corruption, lack of due process, excessive govern­ment favours, personal disdain from the powers-that-be and more. Dangote is a political business man. He knows that. If you hob­nob with politicians as a business­man, then you will face the conse­quences in due season. Make no mistake about this government, it is not crying wolf where there is none. There has been excessive government support for Dangote to the disadvantage of co-compet­itors than prescribed by law. Gov­ernment can review such. This is where Dangote is having issues. Tinubu’s government is review­ing all successive governments’ support for Dangote to the detri­ment of the Nigerian people. It is deeper than you think.

Now, back to the refinery, the Buhari government created the impression that Dangote mono­lithically aided the government by building this gigantic refinery which the government could not do for its people. Dangote saw himself in that light and prided himself so. But, the government changes. He ought to know that that is the fate of political busi­ness men. So, much has been said. The questions that come to my mind are as follows: Is it not true that Dangote had expected and posited to the government that he would have a monopoly exclusively of the industry? This is where the problem is. That can­not happen. Our lives cannot be held to ransom. This has been on for too long. The industries where Dangote excels had been monopo­lised for too long. Competition had been stifled and the spaces closed by governments akin to Dangote. There are people in Nigeria as well that could build refineries too. So, what happened to them? Why were they not allowed to do the same? Where are the likes of Dr Mike Adenuga? For instance, that man had been in the oil and gas business before Dangote and were he and others given the op­portunity? I feel for Dangote. He should have remained in his line of business rather than to switch to the Oil and Gas terrain. This terrain is too big and sublime. ‘Governments go, Governments come’ and the king that does not know Joseph will keep Joseph perpetually in jail. Government does not care when it tries to ei­ther right a wrong, or when it wants to deliberately bring down a person. I feel for Dangote. This government will not buy that re­finery. Trust me. Not this one. The call for public sympathy over gov­ernment perceived plans may not work as the evidence of a soured relationship is rife. Dangote must refrain from harassing the gov­ernment publicly and take on the path of negotiation. Governments do not care. Dangote Refinery is a private business. Period.

How do you think the cabals in the oil sector could better be checked?

I told you that the oil sector in Nigeria is too deep and sublime. It is characterised by characters, governments and cartels that span from Nigeria to different nations. Of course, herein lies the wealth of individuals and nations. A cabal that spans to regions and creeks, from waters to waters is beyond what you think. The oil producing countries, what do you classify them as? Cabal. You can­not check them. Only God can. We are all tied to their apron strings. Period.

Do you think President Tinubu should relinquish his position as Minister of Petroleum and appoint a substantive Minister for proper supervision and control of the nation’s oil sector?

Well, if Tinubu as Minister of Petroleum and President can, he should try. God will help him and it will be good for Nigeria. You saw the fight and sabotage they gave him over subsidy on fuel. The President has to oversee this ministry. Sincerely, leaving such an enormous ministry in the hands of one minister will not be good. The reasons deductible are that the President takes final decisions.

What is your take on the court rein­statement of Philip Shuaibu as Edo State deputy governor and the attack on him during his return to the state in the company of the APC governorship candidate, during which a policeman was killed?

The court reinstating Shaibu Philip, the impeached Deputy Governor of Edo State mirrors the beauty of democracy and the fluidity of our judicial system. It is a beauty to behold. The Appeal Court may again see it from a dif­ferent light. However, what does it matter? The man has moved to an­other party. So, he obviously has relinquished his position to that of a mere title. As to the attack at the Benin Airport, I will look at it collectively at first. It is a show of shame. I had been through your medium, Sunday Independent, ap­pealing to Edo politicians to deal with caution and not cause unnec­essary tension. I have watched a series of videos, including an unapproved forensic analysis on Tik Tok and it is sad how politi­cians can be shameless. They live in a state of nature. It is sad that the policeman had to die for such shameless people. I hear one side of the divide calling for the head of the Commissioner of Police in the State? Why? What has he done? Nigerian politicians are crooks. They possibly have seen that this police officer cannot be bought over now, so they planned ahead to remove him. I know that this Inspector General of Police is a man of integrity. Officers must be given the right environment to flourish in their jobs. Anyway, my condolences to the Nigeria Po­lice Force and the family of the deceased. Too long our police­men have suffered in the hands of these politicians, even to death. It has to stop. This is sad. On the defection of Philip Shaibu to the APC, I don’t see anything wrong in it? It is constitutionally right. He feels he can prostitute and so be it. There is nothing wrong. Then, some people say it was morally wrong and I ask them: What was their yardstick to measure the same? Some others said it was shameful and I said it depends on the individual. He decides if he wants shame or not. If eating his words and kneeling in the public with all the cameras rolling and paying obeisance of profligacy and prodigality to his master, Os­hiomhole, then to him, it is not a shame. Then so be it. And for me, if it is a shame, what does it mat­ter? I can only appeal to them. Let all those that matter in the state, starting from our most cherished and Respected Father, the Oba of Benin, set machinery in motion to call all involved to a table where peace will be discussed. Sadly, there is not one man like Bishop Benson Idahosa to call for peace among congregants. The Catho­lic Church in Edo State will be of value. Let peace reign.

The Labour Party candidate is said to be making a lot of impact in his campaigns. Don’t you think the crisis between the APC and PDP will push Akpata ahead of the candidates of the two major parties?

Concerning the Labour Party, it may turn out that two dogs fight for a bone and the third one comes and takes. But, again Edo Politics is too complex for this calculation.

Some youth groups are planning peaceful nationwide protests against the poor state of the nation and the suffering in the land. How best do you think the Presidency and security agencies should handle the issue?

The call for protests by youths is genuine. The constitution al­lows for peaceful protests. Things are bothersome and worrisome in Nigeria. Everyone feels it. The suf­fering is too much. Sometimes I think we should all be at par in our incomes so they can feel it. The disparity is too much. Now, to the point of the government’s reaction, I will say the govern­ment should provide security and protect them. Government should prepare officers to receive them. Government should go ahead of them to make it a jamboree and create fun instead of hate. The police and military should be al­lowed to mingle with them. Then, if they have leaders, speak to them using broadcast agencies. I think the era of the government trying to match it by force will be cata­strophic. These are your people. You can assuage them. You don’t beat a child and say don’t cry.

How do you see the recent develop­ments in the USA presidential elec­tion, including the attack on Trump and the withdrawal of Biden and his nomination of his Vice?

The recent attack on Donald Trump, the symbol of Democracy in the Republican Party, is sad and discouraging to emerging democ­racies. It was a show of shame by our tutors of democratic values. It humiliated sensitivities and created the impression of a brain­washed ideology. How else do you hate a man? With all the court cases only to stop him…So, this happens too in the USA? I thought it was only possible in Africa? It was even clear and suspicious that it was either pre-arranged or allowed to happen. I think they should know by now where God tailors this to. They created an emotional environment for Trump to Triumph. With blood stained face and fist clenched upwards…That emotion will lead to ballot victory. Joe Biden’s withdrawal was the best. I may not know about Kamala Harris. I also do know that a nomination of a VP by the Democrats to match the quality of JD Vance as Donald Trump’s pick will be the test of the game.

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