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Hannity: ‘Bombshell’ Report Reveals Biden Aides Are Worried

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., claims the Democratic Party’s ‘race-based coalition’ is ‘crumbling’ on ‘Hannity.’ Subscribe to Fox News!


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6 days ago

O shut up Hannity the world is sick of your lies

6 days ago


6 days ago

Could that not gone to court becaise Joe took the documents wgile he was senator and Vice Pres8dent.

6 days ago

sorry mate but your bombshell crap means nothing and you reporting this only for your own benefit. Trump 24 but hannity goes to sunset.

6 days ago

The deplorables love Trump. He's the only chance they have of being made great.

6 days ago

Hannity is not a journalist he is the press secretary for Donald Trump. He will say and do anything to protect the New York City Crime Boss.

7 days ago

I m not mostly peaceful. Yet im civil and a military veteran .
What is going on

7 days ago

All Biden handlers will be in his ear telling him what to say.


Better down play all this Biden being incompetent. The Democrats gonna put someone else in that just might beat Trump.

7 days ago

The President of the United States deserves respect if Tim Scott had said such things 100 years ago he’d have been tarred & feathered, this boy doesn’t realise how fortunate he is. The GOP tolerate him as a token, if the Republican grandee’s wanted him gone he’d be whisked off faster than a picaninny being chased for stealing clothes from a washing line.

7 days ago

You're 100% right ❤

7 days ago


7 days ago

Blah, blah, blah, nothing will happen no one will go to jail for those crimes unless you're a MEGA, Conservative, Republican. So sad for Americans.

7 days ago

MAGA traitors.

8 days ago

Why does trump act like a jealous juvenile girl

8 days ago

Stop comparing joe BIDEN with Donald Trump CUZ THER is no similarity, TH LIBS keep saying, most dont want either one CUZ of age and mental decline, bs, trump is a man, a honest man, joe Biden is a thug, never ACCOMPLISHED any thing good for Americans, but that's how DEMOCRACTS work, DIRTY and dishonest, and most Americans know this now, but the lubs keep SAYING CHOOSE JOE OVER both evils, bs, joe IS TRUMP is HOPE

8 days ago

resident biden President Trump 😊

8 days ago

❤ Tim Scott

8 days ago

Forget "Biden Aides" – the ORANGE EMPEROR is shaking in his boots.

8 days ago

The Rats will still tell there base that 2 plus 2 equals 3 and a man can give birth. Trust us!

8 days ago

Morris, Epstein, and trump 3 peas in a poy

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