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Good leaders protects their team

Leadership has traits of a MOTHER HEN. We all as leaders have people under our watch but we allow others to bully them. Every CEO, MD, Head of the department, Manager, Supervisor, Coordinator, etc. has people under their watch and must ensure they protect them. Now, this is not to say you should condone mediocrity and discipline from your team members or correct them when they are wrong. I remember when I saw another manager bully my team member on one occasion and I did nothing serious about it, I spoke to the team member to apologise and to ignore them just because we don’t want things to escalate beyond what it was. My team member felt displeased because I saw how he was publicly disrespected. A similar incident happened again and this time I was not having it, I walked up to the said manager and reminded her of the previous incident and would appreciate it if she shows mutual respect for everyone. sometimes leaders allow clients and customers to speak extremely rudely to their team members and turn blind eyes. When people are constantly disrespected and bullied, they will lose their self-confidence. Leaders are to be there to provide safety and protection. Protect your team, take responsibility for them and don’t break their trust. Provide essential emotional and physical security and reassurance without being overprotective Allow them to mess up, but take responsibility Draw the line between protection and over-protection. How far would you go to protect your team??? #leadership #safety #team 

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