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‘Zero Chance’ Hunter Biden Takes The Stand, Former Federal Prosecutor Says

Former federal prosecutor Jay Town breaks down testimony so far in the Hunter Biden trial on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.


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28 days ago

Same reason Chump will never take the stand. But you'll get hard every time he says he will.

28 days ago

Hunter and Jim lied under oath

28 days ago

Hunter Jim Joe partners in crime


Please worship the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, THE LORD GOD and try not to worry too much about the differences between the different religions and denominations, try to think about the similarities and the things they may have in common more than the differences. Daily prayer is a fundamental part that many people do not practice although it is encouraged

"CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD,  I beg you to never force me to worship any false god or object and I ask you for forgiveness for my sins and immorality. Thank you for everything. Amen."

Please pray this now, pray the words as you read them if you cannot look and remember them 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

28 days ago

as a long time republican i cant take trump anymore hes a pathetic liar and criminal i prolly wont vote at all this time we should have chose someone else as the nom 🙁

28 days ago

What doesn't make sense is if Biden is behind Trump's prosecutions, why didn't Biden stop the prosecution of his son?

28 days ago

Jesse is a flipped milk toast moron

28 days ago

Right. I knew it. The comments are all about Trump and not Hunter.

28 days ago


28 days ago

Smartest person Joe knows 🤣

29 days ago

Captain Bonespurs snubs WWII heroes on D-Day.

29 days ago

Why isn't Fox sharing the great news about Bannon?

29 days ago

I am NOT voting for a convicted felon criminal, I don’t care who it is, we need someone who will be respected in the world, not some dictator wannabe supported by trump cultist dregs. Is Nikki Haley coming back?

29 days ago

Mega tell people the only do crime are the immigrants but their defend Donald Trump felony criminal nonsense

29 days ago


29 days ago

Ex-wife just told Everyone, it is Hunters kilo of cokecain in the white house & Nobody did anything

29 days ago

Hunter taking the witness stand is not in anyone's best inerest. What I would love to see is the extent of sentencing allowable under Federal Law to take place including fines, jail time, (no house arrest and put in general public just like anyone else would have done). I think the prosecutors must bring up th facts of toher similar cases where the full extent of Federal law was applied.

29 days ago

After what they did to Trump I wouldn't be surprised if Hunter walks away with a "not guilty" verdict.

29 days ago

DJTJ needs to take a drug test. I was a first responder for years and Jr. clearly shows all the signs of a cocaine user. He should not be allowed to own any firearms. He is a danger to himself and others. His nasal passages are so inflamed from packing his nose he has become a mouth breather. He is also delusional in thinking the US has become a “💩hole “ country. Granted hunter Biden had a drug problem, he realized it and sought help. While Jr. tries to hide his habit. If Jr. wants to claim I’m wrong, prove it by taking a drug test. It won’t hurt. Just a little swab for the inside of your filthy mouth would answer the question.

29 days ago

Where are Hunter's 3 Chinese biz partners who have already served JAIL time for INTERNATIONAL BRIBERY? We are sure they would love to help the Biden CRIME Family once again!!

29 days ago

GOP going thru a slow meltdown to Nov 5th….

29 days ago

Hunter is the poster child for white privilege! FJB!!!!!

29 days ago

Trump convicted felon 34 counts he needs to be locked up.

29 days ago

You mean like Trump not taking the stand?

29 days ago

Trump IS A convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, sexual assailant, fraudster. Ladies and Gentlemen: your candidate.


It’s a show trial to create the illusion of a fair justice system. It’s a complete waste of time and money. Nothing will happen and frankly these are not the charges they should be prosecuting. Influence peddling!!

29 days ago

Many democrats stated Trump was guilty because he didnt testify. So does this automatically make Hunter guilty?
So they let Joe slide because he is unfit, now Hunter slides because they feel sorry for him? That is not justice.

29 days ago

Guilty 25 years no parole!!!

29 days ago

Trump 2024 ❤❤❤❤

29 days ago

DOJ Merrick Garland appalled Congress for violation of appointment Jack Smith accused President Trump of not approving Congress appalled Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee sent Merrick Garland to prison for covering up secret records and old tape recordings Robert Hur and Hunter Biden laptop from hell corruption money laundering tax evasion Hunter uses cocaine uses illegal weapons

29 days ago

Zero chance he takes the stand. He is a pathalogical liar and thief a convicted felon a civilly liable rapist, of course he is not going to take the stand. Impeach him like the guest said or is it you can only impeach a government official. Asking for a friend. lol.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

29 days ago

I wish Trump had taken the stand

29 days ago

If you get convicted of felonies, shut your mouth and do your time like a man. No crying allowed.😊

29 days ago

Hunter Biden in trouble 💺 chair his father politicians duty games.

29 days ago

SO TRAGIC how the US Citizenry has become influenced – near brain-damage. Hunter Biden is Don Joe's, Bag-Man … and that entire Wash. DC Entourage – HAS A GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD.

29 days ago

All if our fire fathers were felons ppl, so give it a rest already on feloned future president , am lmao

29 days ago

Jesse Waters is a connoisseur of rap.
You could say he's a rap-ist.

29 days ago

Donald is not sexy like Hunter ! Not Guilty !
This is a witch hunt !

29 days ago

I am 100% sure it will be the not guilty verdict and don't ask me why l am so sure! Just ask who is Hunters father and where is the trial?

29 days ago

The seed does not fall far from the tree.

29 days ago

Hunter wrote a book that explains everything.
Jesse Watters is a greasy rat.

29 days ago

Your weird obsession with Hunter is disturbing. All it does is lose you votes. He's not a politician. He never will be in all probability. Going after a private citizen with drug problems doesn't play with decent people. MAGA degenerates love it. Normal people – not so much.


i would crybaby about my posts getting deleted like republicans but fortunately i am so ignorant as to think that someone is going through and reading and deleting manually.
FUN FACT. Fox News has censored "r a p i s t" from being posted. thats too bad, because when talking about 2 felons, how will people know im referring to trump?

29 days ago

Wow, now cases can be based on the feelings of the jury, over the facts of the evidence….

29 days ago

Hunter will be acquitted under the grounds shall not be infringed.

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