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Trump Calls Biden’s Border Executive Order A ‘Joke’ [Video]

Former President Trump joins ‘Hannity’ to converse about President Biden’s border executive order and the abortion issue …


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27 days ago

If Trump wins in November it will show the world how stupid America has become.

27 days ago

Double speaking…should be only 3 exceptions but them says let the states decide, people can do what's in your hearts. Why not let the southern states have slaves then? Let the people decide? Not an answer when you are talking about killing human beings! Hey Trump, you call it executing a baby at 8 months. It's also an execution at 3 months, no difference other than age, the same human being dies.

27 days ago

I'm afraid if Trump gets in office I'll have to learn to read,write, and speak Russian. I am too old for that.

27 days ago

there is no bigger joke than this orange lying con and when trump media stock begins trading below 10 bucks….he'll back to being a pretend billionaire…

27 days ago

The problem is too MANY SPINELESS Republicans!

27 days ago

Trump will be our next president facts

27 days ago

This guy puts more feet in his mouth than Quinton Tarantino

27 days ago


27 days ago

Hannity letting Trump lie about abortion in the 9 th month and after birth,,what a lie, its shameful,,,, and letting a clearly demented old man say Biden is in decline??Why cant Fox tell the truth about thing??!

27 days ago

Old men should have no say about abortion!! He wont stand for that he pushed for Erdinger abortion rights! What a shame for usa!!

27 days ago

They are Biden's & Harris votes coming in at the. Border while Trump is all of a sudden getting all these interviews including with Dr Phil watch your self Trump don't slow your momentum doing interviews !!! 🤷♥️🇺🇸♥️You got this Trump 2024

27 days ago

Netanyahu is the big boss. Obey him, Americans!

27 days ago


28 days ago


28 days ago

You MAGA people make me laugh. You claim to be behind the veterans on D Day but we all know which side you would have been on 80 years ago.
Hardly any coverage of the D Day ceremonies unlike the liberal media outlets. You pretend to be patriotic but you’re clearly not. You’re embarrassing and pathetic and you need to grow up

28 days ago

They want to be anti-abortion, but then also anti-contriceptive which prevents pregnancy so you don't need an abortion because all of this is Christian right forcing their beliefs on everyone. Phrases like "let God decide if you should be pregnant" and "life starts at conception". Of course once you have the child, they don't want funding daycare, feed/clothe the child, etc. Then it's "if you can't afford the child, why did you have it?".

28 days ago

Trump had four full years to .”shut” the Southern Border and little was done except for some 80 odd miles

of wall where there was none before. And his great big beautiful wall can easily be scaled, and has been, and Mexico didn't pay for a nickel of it….in fact they told trump to F Off.

28 days ago

Uh Fox??? We the people KNOW you hate actual News, but the Republican’s WOULD have passed with Dem support the STRONGEST immigration bill ever! But disgraced 34X Felon Trump killed it, have some integrity, jeez.

28 days ago

Come on Donald, stay focused. Lol

28 days ago

So many lies from this sweaty Adderall addict.


TRUMP 2024

28 days ago

He really looks very stressed, very very stressful

28 days ago

To normal ppl OBiden was unfit B E F O R E the 2020 election. Everything that has happened has been far left degenerate underlings staff manipulating his mental feebleness!! That's reality!!! That's facts!! It really doesn't take a smart person to see what is/was going on!! Trump is the only choice for our recovery and cleaning up Obidens countless catastrophies!!!

28 days ago

Wants to run on a problem so calls up the speaker of the house to stop the solution.


Please worship the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, THE LORD GOD and try not to worry too much about the differences between the different religions and denominations, try to think about the similarities and the things they may have in common more than the differences. Daily prayer is a fundamental part that many people do not practice although it is encouraged

"CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD,  I beg you to never force me to worship any false god or object and I ask you for forgiveness for my sins and immorality. Thank you for everything. Amen."
Please pray this now, pray the words as you read them if you cannot look and remember them

28 days ago

This interview is proof we are not a meritocracy, only in America can a donkey brained mf like this could fail upwards.

28 days ago

Does he know what he is talking about 😅How old is he? 78? 3 years different from Joe Biden. Both are too old to run the country!

28 days ago

This is incoherent.

28 days ago

Joke's on you mr. Criminal felon trump😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. You reap what you sow…byebye…

28 days ago

Lol it's a joke? Didn't he say he was going to do the same thing?

28 days ago

If Giuliani is using Russian disinformation , on hunters laptop, then bidens china disinformation campaign on trump

28 days ago

No matter how hard Hannity tries to save him.. neither him, nor the greatest video editor in the world could save this interview.

28 days ago

There are no abortions after birth

28 days ago

Trump didnt shut the border covid stopped a lot of the influx of migrants

28 days ago

Only specific sound bites booo

28 days ago

Just like his executive order on the border. But without the cages and separation of children from their mothers.

28 days ago


28 days ago

Trump should look in the mirror. Then he'd know what a real joke is, and biggest con man ever.

28 days ago

You and hannity are the joke. January six day of infamy!

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