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Turley: This is an open-and-shut case

Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley joined ‘America’s Newsroom’ to discuss what he believes to be ‘astonishing’ about the gun …


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29 days ago

How is this important to the citizens? Sounds embarrassing to Hunter and SO what. Talk about Trumps deportation plan instead.

29 days ago

Is this the same idiot that said Trump was innocent too?
Have you considered interviewing a real lawyer.

29 days ago

Not a d*** thing is going to happen to him.We all know it

29 days ago

I love how Robert De Niro lives rent free in the minds of MAGA cultists. It's almost like he’s your master 😂

29 days ago

Once again, Turley is living in a text book world.

29 days ago

Hunter Biden for the life of me, is a “Walking Catastrophe “ that needs to go to jail! Will that happen??🤮🤮🤮🤮

29 days ago

In Delaware, if im Abby i put gun control on trial. A form for access that involves the honor system??? For crackheads??? Pleeeeeeze. Too many loopholes for addicts to get access to guns.Turn this gun case right on its as$. I dislike HB and would like to see him jailed for life for treasonous behavior but this case here? Ripe for a great lawyer to flip the script!!

29 days ago

Who gives a flying fookola about Hunter? What public office is he in?

29 days ago

Trump: Felon
Bannon: Felon
Gates: Felon
Papadapoulous: Felon
Navarro: Felon
Stone: Felon
Manafort: Felon
Flynn: Felon
Sater: Felon
Cohen: Felon
Broidy: Felon
Weisselberg: Felon
Powell: Felon
Clark: Felon
Meadows: Felon
Eastman: Felon
Guiliani: Felon
Roman: Felon
Chesebro: Felon

29 days ago



Who cares about the weapons charge? Influence peddling? 10%? Ukraine? China?

29 days ago

The Bidens are like the Munsters.

29 days ago

First Cornpop, now Mookie 😂

29 days ago

In 2018 it was an open and shut case. Now we are under the war clause. The entire case is rigged. Just like all the rest. Justice in America is dead

29 days ago

If they can do this to Hunter, they can do it to you

29 days ago

There is no such thing as an open and shut case for a Democrat on trial especially when it comes for a Biden. Even if he’s found guilty prosecutors will ask for the same punishment. He will get probation and then his record wiped clean after 6 months.

29 days ago

It's a witch-hunt! Political persecution! If they can do this to Hunter, they can do this to you! Kangaroo court! Makes me want to vote for Hunter even more! Hunter 2028! See how stupid magabillies sound when defending their orange felon.

29 days ago

Why would you do drugs on the hood of a car when you can jam inside the car

29 days ago

Is Mookie the new Corn Pop? He's a bad dude!😂😂😂😂

29 days ago

The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction,

founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynchings, and fought against

the civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s. just look what you mor@@@ in the usa voted for what a bunch of los@@@

29 days ago

Engaging with such a knowledgeable group of individuals is a privilege I don't take for granted. There's so much to learn from each other.👅

29 days ago

The Prosecution team may well be 100%, but the Achilles Heal is the Jury, and if that does not work his Dad will pardon him.

29 days ago

They're all living large and luxurious lives smoking crack and grifting taxpayer dollars while taking bribes from anyone they can squeeze.

29 days ago

While recent vid shows Trump foaming at the mouth People wondering if Trump needs a rabies shot

29 days ago

Trump has gone silent on Hunter at his rallies. What's he scared of?

29 days ago

trump 2024

29 days ago

Never forget Gonzalo Lira.
Understand what's going on.

29 days ago

they cannot relate to the bottom 99%

29 days ago

Thank you, Turley, for your insights.

29 days ago

A lie is a lie, a conviction is a conviction.” From now on and in history, he will be known as Convicted Felon Former President Donald Trump.

29 days ago

The Hunter News Network: because nothing is more important

29 days ago

John Turley is too credible to be a democrat.

29 days ago

It's rigged….it's nothing but a kangaroo court…..he's done nothing wrong

29 days ago

No Hunter and Ashley have been yelling for help and everyone ignores the crimes PedoPete(Biden) has done to his family. Leaving laptops more than one around…a diary…and still no MSM to include FOX really blows the lid off this disgusting Joe and Jill that claim they are loving parents!!

29 days ago

In the Netherlands pll don't vote for a felon.

29 days ago

They're after me and you, Hunter is just in the way.

29 days ago

Exactly why Joe OBidens Regime held Trumps fake "HushMoney" Trial in New York w/ a Jury too Scared or Corrupt to convict Trump of false Charges! RESIST! FJB!

29 days ago

Yeah, and the jury won't find him guilty because they'll be afraid to convict just like the other jury was afraid not to convict. And Daddy will just pardon him.

29 days ago

NONE of this matters, this cake is baked, he's in delaware and the big guy has already talked to all the right people to have this go away.

29 days ago

Trump Guilty on all 34 charges !!! The wicked Donald Trump – adulterer and rapist has been judged by the lord. Guilty. We all know there is no way he ascends to heavens. God bless Joseph Biden – President of the USA

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