Presenting to a Hong Kong hospital with complications from a urinary flow obstruction, an 84-year-old man left clinicians perplexed over a seemingly unrelated grayness to his skin, eyes, and nails. The unusual color was far from new. In fact, his faint ashen hue reportedly appeared a ...
One stormy Monday in March, 1827, the German composer Ludwig van Beethoven passed away after a protracted illness. Bedridden since the previous Christmas, he was attacked by jaundice, his limbs and abdomen swollen, each breath a struggle. As his associates went about the task of ...
Compared with the arms of an octopus, our own bony limbs are about as flexible as old tree branches. It stands to reason that the anatomy within the cephalopod's sucker-speckled appendages ought to be as unique as the animals themselves. Mapping the weave of nerves and muscles within ...
There's no question that having children imparts considerable stress, affecting just about every part of the body. In spite of this universal truth of parenthood's health costs, there is no standard for measuring the biological accounting demanded of a mother during gestation. A new ...