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“Take a cue from water”

It was on a cold Wednesday morning, late in the 1900s. The body, water, was born. Water opened its eyes, and looked to its left and right; it looked up but saw just the skies, when it got to look downwards, its optic nerves were only viewing its reflections. Day after day, water saw how men came ...

The Power of Uda

UDA is known mainly by the Igbos, it has so many health usefulness. Uda water helps to flush toxic and foreign substance from the body which is why it is served to women who just gave birth. As a woman, do you have big tummy and want it to return to it's original form? Boil uda with ginger, ...

8 Things to know about New Zealand

New Zealand is no doubt a tourist destination than a live in country for many people, beautiful and fascinating scenery. But before you finally make that decision, here are the 8 important things you need to know. Most of the houses are old bungalow It may look charming, but chances are it’ll ...

Who Is The Robber?

During a robbery in Zimbabwe, the bank robber shouted to everyone in the bank: "Don't move. The money belongs to the State. Your life belongs to you." Everyone in the bank lay down quietly. This is called the "Mind Changing Concept” Changing the conventional way of thinking. When a lady lay on ...

New Style for Job Scammers

My dear job seekers, we just have to be extra careful and cautious this period as scammers have devised new and improved means of carrying out their trade. I just got home from a semi successful job search where I was given a one kind offer, to work for sometime without pay with the option of full ...

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